Tag: università degli studi di bari

  • June 14, 2017 | Culture about Nature + Book | @Museo Orto Botanico, Bari, Apulia, Italy

    June 14, 2017 | Culture about Nature + Book | @Museo Orto Botanico, Bari, Apulia, Italy

    June 14, 2017 | Culture about Nature + Book | @Museo Orto Botanico, Bari, Apulia, Italy.

     it is an event by Università degli Studi di Bari – ortobotanicoitalia.it

     Incontri al Museo Orto Botanico [Meetings at the Botanical Garden Museum].
    Orti botanici e conservazione [Botanical gardens and conservation].

    h 17:00 – 21:30 @ Museo Orto Botanico, Campus Universitario, via Orabona 4, Bari, Apulia, Italy.
    Info: www.ortobotanicoitalia.it

    On Wednesday, June 14, 2017, the Botanical Garden Museum of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” (located at the University Campus Ernesto Quagliariello, via Orabona 4 – Bari) will have an extraordinary opening with free entrance event from 17.00 to 21.30 : BOTANICAL GARDENS & CONSERVATION.

    The event is foreseen at 18.30 to present the “Collection of significant species conservation” of the Botanical Garden Museum, developed in recent years in the activities of the Museum aimed to the conservation of the plant biodiversity and in particular the species of the rare Apulian Flora , Threatened with extinction on the regional or even national territory, endemic or anyway of phytogeographic importance.

    This collection is currently made up of about 50 taxa, almost entirely derived from the germination of seeds harvested in nature and stored at the Germo Plasma Bank of the Botanical Garden Museum (BG-MOBB), ie without taking plants from natural environments . Many of the taxa in the collection have been subjected to ex situ and in situ conservation interventions, so they have been characterized and studied, also for developing specific propagation protocols.

    In the evening, at 20.00, the “ORTI BOTANICI, ITALIAN EXCELLENCES” will be presented in the open spaces of the Botanical Garden by Marina Clauser and Pietro Pavone, Thema Edizioni. In the volume, realized by the National Association of New Directions in collaboration with the Italian Botanic Society, there is also a card dedicated to the Botanical Garden Museum of the University of Bari and references to the collection of significant species conservation.

    At the presentation of the volume there will be the Authorities of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”. There will be present the Magnificent Rector Prof. Antonio Felice Uricchio, the General Director Federico Gallo, the Director of the Directorate for the Coordination of the Departments Dr. Emilio Miccolis and one of the curators of the volume, prof. Pietro Pavone of the University of Catania and Coordinator of the Orti Botanici Group and Historical Gardens of the Italian Botanic Society. Introduces the work Prof. Luigi Forte, Director of Botanical Garden Museum.

    orti botanici e conservazione Botanical gardens and conservation