Tag: orecchiette

  • Orecchiette with rocket pesto and caramelized tomatoes

    Orecchiette with rocket pesto and caramelized tomatoes

     Orecchiette with rocket pesto and caramelized tomatoes.

     it is a recipe by Crispy Kitchencrispykitchen.com

    I opened the fridge and saw 3 products I love .. you will probably have read some tasty recipe with these ingredients: Orecchiette, Rocket and Tomatoes, an infallible trio!

    orecchiette con pesto orecchiette with pesto-min


    400g di Orecchiette
    250g di rucola
    40g di mandorle
    100g di pomodorini
    1/4 di cipolla
    2 cucchiai di zucchero (in questo caso ho usato Tropical & Stevia di Eridania)
    Olio extravergine di oliva
    Sale e pepe


    Partiamo con la preparazione mettendo in una padella la cipolla a soffriggere con un filo di olio extravergine di oliva, una volta che la cipolla si sarà imbiondita aggiungete i pomodorini tagliati a metà.

    Lasciamo rosolare i pomodorini per qualche minuto aggiungendo sale e pepe per insaporire, negli ultimi minuti di cottura aggiungere i 2 cucchiai di zucchero di canna e mezzo bicchiere d’acqua in modo da far caramellare i pomodorini senza bruciare lo zucchero.

    Dopodichè buttiamo le orecchiette in acqua bollente salata, lasciando cuocere per circa 10 min.

    Nel frattempo procediamo alla preparazione del pesto, mettendo la rucola all’interno del mixer insieme alle mandorle e frullando il tutto aggiungendo l’olio evo a filo, spegnete quando la salsa avrà raggiunto la giusta consistenza.

    Scolate le orecchiette e saltatele per un minuto nella padella insieme ai pomodrini.

    Infine disponete sul piatto il pesto di rucola precedentemente preparato e adagiatevi sopra le orecchiette e i pomodorini caramellati.

    Buon appetito!!!!!

    orecchiette con pesto orecchiette with pesto-min

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  • Wholemeal orecchiette with broccoli, cardoncelli mushrooms, olives Termite di Bitetto and sea perfumes

    Wholemeal orecchiette with broccoli, cardoncelli mushrooms, olives Termite di Bitetto and sea perfumes

    Wholemeal orecchiette with broccoli, cardoncelli mushrooms, olives Termite di Bitetto and sea perfumes.

    Recipe published on biodiversitapuglia.it

    author Maria De Tullio


    First plate

    Number of people


    Preparation time

    50 minutes


    • 1 kg of broccoli
    • 400 g of organic wholemeal orecchiette
    • Cardoncelli mushrooms
    • Olives Termite di Bitetto
    • Tentacles of squid
    • 3-4 sardines
    • Garlic
    • Horns pepper Monteleone goat
    • Basil leaves
    • Extra virgin olive oil
    • Breadcrumbs

    Preparation tips

    Clean the broccoli, cut into florets and wash it, also use the central part of the stalk, slice and remove the outside. Clean cardoncelli mushrooms, carefully removing the soil, wash them and reduce them into strips.

    In a high-sided pot bring to boil salted water and add the broccoli florets and leaves, together with the stalk slices. Cook for a few minutes after the boil and move them away with a skimmer.

    In the same broccoli’s cooking water pour the wholemeal orecchiette and wait for the right cooking time.

    Meanwhile, clean the tentacles of the squid and sardines 3-4, depriving them of the head and entrails, removing the central bone and dividing them into two fillets. Heat in a pan a drizzle of oil e.v.o., garlic, chili pepper and add the tentacles of squid, sardines and thymus. Cook for a few minutes, remove the sardine fillets that will serve to garnish the dish and the tentacles of squid, then add the olives and cardoncelli mushrooms cut into strips.

    In a blender, blend some of the broccoli florets with a few leaves of basil, half a clove of garlic, a tablespoon of cooking water, salt and oil e.v.o. up get a velvety cream.

    Drain the orecchiette shortly before the end of the cooking time, add to the pan of sauce and cook over high heat a few minutes, making flavor by adding a sprinkling of bread crumbs, which will not have been fried to maintain the lighter.

    Serve by placing in the plate on a base of broccoli’s cream, on which top we will put the seasoned orecchiette and garnish with sardine fillets and basil leaves.


    In this recipe the sulfurous broccoli’s taste is paired with the sweet taste of olives Termite di Bitetto, with firm texture; It have also the earthy flavor of the cardoncello mushroom and the very particular smoked note of the pepper Corna di Capra di Monteleone.


    Broccoli belonging to the Brassicaceae family, typical autumn vegetable available as early as October, is actually a treasure trove of beneficial properties for the body. It has very few calories and it is rich in minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and potassium) and vitamins (C, B1, B2). Important is the presence of glucosinolates, typical metabolites of all vegetable varieties belonging to the Brassicaceae that give its characteristic flavor and have protective action in the onset of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.


    images by biodiversitapuglia.it