Tag: confettificio mucci

  • April 30, 2018 | A journey throug culture and territory

    April 30, 2018 | A journey throug culture and territory

    April 30, 2018 | A journey through culture and territory.

      it’s an event by Nel Gioco del Jazz + generAzioniLAB + Dispensa dei Tipici

    A journey throug culture and territory.

    April 30, 2018, start h 15:00 @ Castel del Monte, Andria, BAT, Puglia, Italia.
    Info: info@nelgiocodeljazz.it – Tel. +39 3389031130 – Tel. +39 3339203871
    Web: generAzioniLAB.dispensadeitipici.it

    On 30th April, for the International Jazz Day, Associazione Nel Gioco del Jazz,  wtih the I-Jazz network, with the partnership of UNESCO and the contribution of MIBACT, organizes an entire day dedicated to music, culture and territory, between Castel del Monte and the city of Andria.

    The idea is to propose a day in which the music bring attention on apulian culture, passing through traditions and handicraft productions, to enhance the great enogastronomic heritage exalted in its typical territoriality.

    The main lap of this experience will be Castel del Monte, venue of the concert of the Roberto Ottaviano QuarkTet (*free concert, reservations required), the Confettificio Mucci Museum, the Torrevento Winery, the Andria historical centre.

    Event in collaboration with: Dispensa dei Tipici, generAzioniLAB e Pasticceria Ladisa.

    30 aprile 2018 giornata internazionale del jazz andria torrevento mucci - ridotta-min (1)

    + news and events “signed” Nel Gioco del Jazz