Tag: casa netural

  • July 15-17, 2017 | Trekking Tour | @Valnerina, Terni, Umbria, Italy

    July 15-17, 2017 | Trekking Tour | @Valnerina, Terni, Umbria, Italy

    July 15-17, 2017 | Trekking Tour | @ Valnerina, Terni, Umbria, Italy.

     it is an event by Casa Neturalbenetural.com

      Netural Walk in Umbria: Exploring Valnerina.
    The magician of Umbria, between Mountain Landscapes and Villages.

    July 15-16-17 @ Valnerina, Terni, Umbria, Italy.
    Info: www.benetural.com – walk@benetural.com

    Hello lovers of adventure, July 15, 16 and 17 join Netural Walk to discover with us the beauty of the magnificent territory of Valnerina (Umbria, Italy).

    Thanks to the magical encounter with Marco Emanuel Francucci and the association “Inter Valli”, there is a unique path to walk together along the Valnerina to discover communities, places and stories of a land that is not just nature and waterfalls but much more.

    And for the first time in the history of #Neturalwalk we will travel from south to central Italy!

    Valnerina is the valley of the Black River, which is born on the Sibillini Mountains and crosses a mountainous area in Southeastern Umbria, to reach Terni.

    A fantastic place immersed in the green, of which we will in particular discover:
    – the Marmore Waterfall, one of the highest in Europe,
    – The Abbey of St. Peter in the Valley, with its hidden treasures
    – small villages and communities of Casteldilago and Ferentillo ..

    It will be a great time to meet new friends and visit one of the most beautiful regions of our nation.

    € 200.00 for entries by June 20th
    € 220,00 for entries after June 20

    Nb. Cost includes food and lodging.

    NB. The deadline for registration is June 30. The number of accepted subscription is limited, so only the registrations for which the participation fee will be saluted will be considered as official.



    1st Day 15/07/2017

    -On 15.00 meeting at Piazzale Felice Fatati, Collestatte (Terni), Piazzale is connected to the Terni railway station by public buses (line 7 and line 21).

    -On 15: 30-17: 30 Visit to the Marmore Falls

    -On 17: 30-19: 30 Walk from the Marmore Falls to Casteldilago.

    -On 21:00 dinner near the village of Casteldilago

    -Location in the historic center of Castleldilago

    Nb. We will sleep in a sleeping bag for which everyone will have to carry with their own

    2nd Day 16/07/2017

    -On 8: 30-9: 30 Breakfast

    -On 9: 30-12: 00 Walk from Casteldilago to Ferentillo

    -On 13:00 Packed lunch

    -On 15: 00-19: 30 Walk from Ferentillo to the Abbey of St. Peter in Valley with return to Ferentillo

    -On 21:00 dinner at Ferentillo

    -Location: Black River Park Retreat

    Nb. We will sleep in a sleeping bag for which everyone will have to carry with their own

    3rd Day 17/07/2017

    -On 8: 30-9: 30 Breakfast

    -On 9: 30-12: 00 Return to the Terni railway station


    To pay it will be possible:
    -pay directly the project coordinators – after telephone appointment.
    Gino 3332740889
    Samuele 3467393616

    – or by bank transfer to the following bank coordinates:

    Casa Netural
    Iban: IT22G0335901600100000137360
    Banca Prossima

    Indicate last name and the name of the Netural Walk.


    For any information regarding itineraries and more you can contact the coordinators by mail walk@benetural.com

    + news by Casa Netural

  • July 11, 2017 | Culture about entepreneurship | @ Casa Netural, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.

    July 11, 2017 | Culture about entepreneurship | @ Casa Netural, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.

    July 11, 2017 | Culture about entepreneurship | @ Casa Netural, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.

     it is an event by Casa Neturalbenetural.com

     Netural School by Sonia Polimeno.
    Associations: typologies, features and possibilities.

    h 19:00 @ Casa Netural, via Galileo Galilei 1, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.
    Info: www.benetural.com – school@benetural.com

    A chat to discover or deepen the world of associations: how many types of associations exist, what are the peculiarities, why make it one, like.

    We will surely learn some more information on the nature of the associations.

    Courses are only for Resident Netural Associates! To book the course, write an email at school@benetural.com specifying the name of the course in the subject.

    casa netural school associazione ma a che mi serve co-min

    + news from Casa Netural

  • June 27, 2017 | Culture about travel | @Casa Netural, Matera, Basilicata, Italy

    June 27, 2017 | Culture about travel | @Casa Netural, Matera, Basilicata, Italy

    June 27, 2017 | Culture about travel | @ Casa Netural, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.

     it is an event by Casa Neturalbenetural.com

     Netural School by Isabella d’Alessandro.
    Learn to travel low-cost by discovering ourselves and the world.

    h 19:00 @ Casa Netural, via Galileo Galilei 1, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.
    Info: www.benetural.com – school@benetural.com

    As Charles Baudelaire used to say, “… true travelers start their trip just to leave: mild hearts, similar to balloons that only the case moves eternally, always say” Let’s go “and do not know why. Their wishes have the shapes of the clouds….”…

    This is the spirit that differentiates the tourist from the traveler …. Let’s try to discover ourselves and the world by learning how to plan and organize a low cost trip … … because traveling to the discovery of the countries you will find the continent in yourself!

    We will learn how to plan a trip in autonomy … understanding how to deal with difficult situations and discovering remote corners and people’s minds ….

    Courses are for Netural Resident Associates! To book the course, email at school@benetural.com by specifying the name of the course in the subject.

    netural school impariamo a viaggiare low cost learn to travel low cost

    + news from Casa Netural

  • Casa Netural, in Matera, launches its Incubatore Netural

    Casa Netural, in Matera, launches its Incubatore Netural

    Casa Netural, in Matera, launches its Incubatore Netural.

     it is a news by Casa Netural – benetural.com

    Thanks to the support of Funder 35 and of  Fondazione per il Sud, thanks to the partnership with Idlab, we are happy to launch our Incubatore Netural: an innovative incubation “route” for all those who want to shape an idea, develop a project or give new directions to one already started.


    Three are the strengths of Incubatore Netural: the prototype, the exchange, the community.

    With a three-day workshop, you can evaluate the feasibility and the different possible directions about the idea or project develop, through the design of its prototype and the subsequent experimentation with the community.

    The Incubatore Netural is based on the skill circularity and does not to be payed with money. Casa Netural share its experience, skills and value of its community – resources grown over 5 years – to support those who want to work on the realization or on the improvement of a project.


    In exchange, each participant provides his or her ability to carry out a business or service in support of Casa Netural and its community.

    The incubation period will be held at Casa Netural, collaborative space in Matera (Basilicata, Italy) based on the concept of sharing ideas and skills, where participants can find the stimulus and the right atmosphere to shape their projects.

    To ask to incubate your idea or your business you can write to: incubatore@benetural.com or call the number: 0835388276.

    The door of Casa Netural is always open!


    The Icubatore Netural is the evolution of the previous “Dream Incubator“.

    Since it was founded, in fact, Casa Netural offers various tools to shape and test dreams; since 2014 it has allowed the development and experimentation of 26 enterprise projects.

    Now with the support of Funder 35 and Fondazione per il Sud, and with the partnership with Idlab, a design studio, the project has been enhanced by evolving into the Incubatore Netural to help prototyping cultural and creative ideas in exchange for skills, services and activities.

    + info about Casa Netural

    + news and events “signed” Casa Netural