Tag: arcobaleno in dispensa

  • Arts, tastes and crafts showcase through the GioiaCom. network at via Roma in Gioia del Colle (Bari, Puglia). On Friday December 7th 2018.

    Arts, tastes and crafts showcase through the GioiaCom. network at via Roma in Gioia del Colle (Bari, Puglia). On Friday December 7th 2018.

    During the event “Gioia in Festa – l’anima di un Paese” organized by Associazione GioiaCom. to promote Gioia del Colle (Bari, Puglia), VIArcobaleno animates businesses shops with a fruit showcase and talks about nutrition and apulian biodiversity, extra virgin olive oil tasting, and painting and poems art, focus about ancient and traditional jobs and more.

    Project VIArcobaleno was ideated by Arcobaleno in Dispensa (lab.dispensadeitipici.it) that is the networking by Dispensa dei Tipici, Scatti in Grafia and ISA Impresa Sostenibile di Artigiane to promote arts, tastes and crafts that make Puglia and Basilicata so special.

    Several legends tell that where the rainbow lands there is always a treasure, it is up to each of us to recognize it! Our network is our treasure: Enjoy Diet; Research, Experimentation and Training Center in Basile Caramia Agriculture; Artis Cultural Association; Marilú Surico; Museum of Peasant Civilization, Arts and Crafts.

    Also the venue are special, that is Gioielleria Laforgia, Giocattoleria Cartoleria Go Kart and temporay space Atelier Nartist di Angela Antonicelli. Three of the several business joined GioiaCom. project that aims to promote Gioia del Colle (Bari, Puglia) by an idea of Franco Anelli to enhance a city renowned around the Italy and the world for its mozzarella cheese and for its wines, Primitivo first of all.

    We are waiting for you on Friday December 7th 2018 from 18:00. In Gioia del Colle (Bari, Puglia) at via Roma.

    Info facebook > Gioia in Festa + VIArcobaleno

    The activities, locations and partners, in detail.

    by Giocattoleria Cartoleria Go Kart at via Roma 57 in Gioia del Colle (Bari, Puglia)

    Enjoy Diet, un gruppo di quattro giovani biologi nutrizionisti pugliesi che lavorano per rendere semplice e consapevole l’alimentazione, organizzano momenti di educazione alla biodiversitá attraverso il gioco per adulti e bambini.

    Dispensa dei Tipici grazie alla disponibilitá del Centro di Ricerca, Sperimentazione e Formazione in Agricoltura Basile Caramia di Locorotondo (Bari, Puglia) espone una mostra di frutti antichi di Puglia, per raccontare il valore della biodiversitá agricola pugliese.

    by Gioielleria Laforgia at via Roma 39 in Gioia del Colle (Bari, Puglia)

    Artis Associazione Culturale di Acquaviva delle Fonti (Bari, Puglia) che grazie alla competenza di Antonella Ciccarone e di Francesco Zefferino sensibilizza all’Arte e allo sviluppo della creatività: espone due opere d’arte che ritraggono le tematiche espresse nella manifestazione.

    Marilú Surico, esperta e degustatrice di olio extra vergine di oliva: propone momenti di cultura sull’oro verde di Puglia per educare alla consapevolezza ed alle proprietá di questa eccellenza.

    by temporary space Atelier Nartist di Angela Antonicelli at via Roma 53 in Gioia del Colle (Bari, Puglia)

    ISA – Impresa Sostenibile di Artigiane, un’impresa artigianale al femminile di Ceglie Messapica (Brindisi, Puglia) che crea valore sociale e opportunità sia attraverso l’innovazione, il riuso e la creatività, sia realizzando oggetti di design: propone un’esposizione di oggetti di design creati a partire da materiali di scarto di attivitá tradizionali.

    Scatti in Grafia, un progetto che unisce la poesia e l’illustrazione, ideato da Alessio Magisto ingegnere e creativo di Gioia del Colle (Bari, Puglia) che fissa su carta il proprio sentire come se lo stesse facendo con una Polaroid: allestisce una mostra di poesie illustrate estratte dall’opera “La Befana Stralunata”.

    Il Museo della Civiltá contadina, delle Arti e dei Mestieri una collezione di Vito Santoiemma di Gioia del Colle (Bari, Puglia) il quale negli anni ha raccolto e custodito strumenti e attrezzi della tradizione pugliese, che oggi é possibile considerare uno straordinario quanto inestimabile patrimonio; allestisce una mostra di antichi strumenti di lavoro.

    + info> Dispensa dei Tipici – +39 3934628548

    ━━━ INFO WEB ━━━
    Facebook: Gioia in Festa + VIArcobaleno
    Sito Web: Lab.dispensadeitipici.it

  • Biodiversity, arts and crafts show in Ceglie Messapica (Brindisi, Puglia). On October 27th and 28th at the ISA Bottega.

    Biodiversity, arts and crafts show in Ceglie Messapica (Brindisi, Puglia). On October 27th and 28th at the ISA Bottega.

    Biodiversity, arts and crafts show in Ceglie Messapica (Brindisi, Puglia). On October 27th and 28th at the ISA Bottega.

    è un progetto inserito in Lab Dispensa dei Tipicilab.dispensadeitipici.it

    Thanks to the partnership between Dispensa dei Tipici and ISA Sustainable Business of Artisan women and thanks to their partners, in Ceglie Messapica will alternate cultural aperitifs, an exhibition of illustrated poems, creative showing for children and an exhibition on apulian biodiversity, workshops and demonstrations of crochet, knitting, 3d printing …

    arcobaleno in Dispensa brings “Tastes of Biodiversity” to Ceglie Messapica on Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 October, as part of the Festival of Pumpkin and Autumn Flavors thanks to the partnership between Dispensa dei Tipici and ISA Sustainable Business of Artisan women and thanks to their partner.

    – registrati all’evento Facebook > http://bit.ly/ddt00008

    sapori di biodiversitá locandina SMALL

    ━━━ IDEA ━━━

    At the ISA’s workshop in via Garibaldi 73 and at the Bar Magia in via G.Elia 9, there will be:  cultural aperitifs, an exhibition of illustrated poems, creative sowing for children and an exhibition on apulian biodiversity, workshops and demonstrations of crochet, knitting, 3d printing …

    Arcobaleno in Dispensa was born from the will of Alessio Magistro and Nico Paulangelo. The want is to activate contaminations between crafts, food and art, three of the sectors on which the relaunch of Puglia and Basilicata is being founded. The idea is to set up temporary spaces in which the distances are canceled between producer / artist and user / consumer.

    Dispensa dei Tipici is a Territorial Marketing project, something more than just e-commerce. Starting with the love for the Murgia, Puglia and Basilicata – in southern Italy – the idea is to increase awarenes of Typical Products, inviting consumers to travel the production area and to discover companies, culture and traditions.

    ISA – Sustainable Business of Artisan women is a group of young women who bring values, experiences and resources together to establish themselves as a women’s craft enterprise based on innovation, reuse, creativity and relationship. ISA is an innovative company that, in addition to creating social value and opportunities for growth for itself and for its territory, convert waste materials or unused objects into new design objects and green products. ISA contributes to reducing the waste of business and to give value to waste materials.

    ━━━ VENUE ━━━

    At the ISA’s workshop, in Ceglie Messapica (Brindisi, Puglia) address via Garibaldi, 73.

    GPS> 40.647070, 17.516124 > http://bit.ly/ddt00009

    ━━━ INFO ━━━

    Free Entry.

    Daniela Trisolino – area Marketing&Comunicazione ISA
    +39 3890817431 – info@isaartigiane.it

    Nico Paulangelo – area Marketing&Comunicazione Dispensa dei Tipici
    +39 3934628548 – info@dispensadeitipici.it


    saturday 27th october

    • at the ISA’s workshop (via Garibaldi 73, Ceglie Messapica)

    h 18-23:
    fruit exhibition about apulian biodiversity with CRSFA Basile Caramia and ITS Fondazione Agroalimentare Puglia

    h 18-23:
    Illustrated Poems exhibit

    h 17-19:
    intrecci” crochet techniques and knitting demonstration

    h 19-21:
    creative sowing” – educational workshop for children, creation of a jar with recovery material and sowing of pumpkin seeds to educate to the art of recycling and to the environment care

    h 21-23:
    the many faces of creative craftsmanship” 3D printer and creation demonstration; ex-tempore painting with natural elements and recycled materials

    • at the bar Magia (via G.Elia 9, Ceglie Messapica)

    h 18-23:
    Illustrated Poems exhibit and talking about the “Casa della Poesia” project

    h 22:00:
    Presentation and reading with La Befana Stralunata of Alessio Magistro

    sunday 28th october

    • at the bar Magia (via G.Elia 9, Ceglie Messapica)

    ore 12:00:
    cultural aperitif with Alessio Magistro and its book La Befana Stralunata

    • at the ISA’s workshop (via Garibaldi 73, Ceglie Messapica)

    h 18-23:
    fruit exhibition about apulian biodiversity with CRSFA Basile Caramia and ITS Fondazione Agroalimentare Puglia

    h 18-23:
    Illustrated Poems exhibit

    h 17-19:
    intrecci” crochet techniques and knitting demonstration

    h 19-21:
    creative sowing” – educational workshop for children, creation of a jar with recovery material and sowing of pumpkin seeds to educate to the art of recycling and to the environment care

    h 21-23:
    the many faces of creative craftsmanship” 3D printer and creation demonstration; ex-tempore painting with natural elements and recycled materials

    More info about activities:

    – on website http://lab.dispensadeitipici.it

    ━━━ PARTNER ━━━

    – Alessio Magistro
    – Caffè Letterario bar Magia
    – Festa del goloso
    – Ex terra srl- società benefit
    – Casa della Poesia
    – ITS Fondazione Agroalimentare Puglia
    – Centro di Ricerca, Sperimentazione e Formazione in Agricoltura Basile Caramia

    More info about partner:

    – on website http://lab.dispensadeitipici.it

    + info su Lab Dispensa dei Tipici

    + info sul progetto arcobaleno in Dispensa