Safe online shopping and browsing on ensures the visitor and the customer a safe browsing with SSL/https protocol!
Since February 4, 2017 the Dispensa dei Tipici’s online portal was equipped with the SSL certificate that allows the user to navigate safely.
What is the secure SSL/https browsing?
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a protocol that allows you to communicate securely on the Internet.
With this type of connection the address changes from to and is particularly useful to ensure the user the information exchanged can not be read by third parties.
Browsing is even more secure both to safe online shopping into e-commerce where the user must enter the number of credit card and personal data, both for activities such as simply reading the news or sending emails, and other communications.
The SSL certificate presence is visible in the browser address bar:
– there is the icon of a padlock that in according to the used browser can be displayed in different positions
– there is the word https:// before or (ie or
Dispensa dei Tipici: tasty and curious online news and safe online shopping!
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