Puglia and Circular Economy.
it is a news by Regione Puglia – sistema.puglia.it
Puglia join the Circular Economy Development Network.
On 31 May 2018, the Italian Manifesto for the Circular Economy was signed in Rome.
The Italian Manifesto for the circular economy has been promoted by ENEA, the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Economic Development.
The objective is ambitious: to connect administrations, civil society, companies, research agency, engaged in projects and initiatives abou circular economy, in order to foster synergies and make Italian good practices known at national and European level. The Puglia Region is among the first document signatories. Within this manifesto, the topics related to the circular economy of common interest are defined.
ENEA is the only Italian member and representative of the research world in the coordination group of the European platform for the circular economy. ENEA promoted the creation of the analogous Italian web platform (www.icesp.it), to facilitate the exchange of information and good practices and offer a unified representation of the Italian way of doing circular economy.
The circular economy crosses various economic sectors and deals with problems including the transition to renewable energy, the management of the waste cycle, the fight against food waste, the use of natural resources.
Puglia has provided itself with rules and tools that allow to tackle these issues in a systemic way, considering each of them as an integral part of a modern and sustainable development policy.
The Puglia Region was the first Italian region to have joint the usefulness of this network, confirming its environmental vocation.
Being part of the circular economy network allows on the one hand to make known the good practices implemented in Puglia; on the other, to intercept and participate in the most recent and promising initiatives on a European scale, enhancing technology transfer, the birth of new companies, the diffusion of cultural approaches and diversified consumption styles.
+ info, news and recipes “signed” Regione Puglia
photo credits:https://pixabay.com/it/illustrations/sostenibilit%C3%A0-energia-albero-3295757/
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