June 23-24, 2017 | Culture about Oil | @Villa La Rocca, Bari, Apulia, Italy.

i linguaggi dell'extravergine copertina-min

June 23-24, 2017 | Culture about Oil | @ Villa La Rocca, Bari, Apulia, Italy.

 it is an event by Passione Extravergine.

I Linguaggi dell’Extra Vergine
“I linguaggi dell’Extra Vergine” (The languages of Extra Virgin) is a two-day work for those who want to build a path to become cultural content spreaders.

@ Villa La Rocca, via Celso Ulpiani 26, Bari, Apulia, Italy.
Info: www.linguaggidellextravergine.it – passioneextravergine@gmail.com

What are the technical content that the consumer should know about?

What languages and content are best suited to communicate with children, doctors, staff, and who is spending money?

These are the questions that we will try to answer with I Linguaggi dell’Extra Vergine.

The starting point will be the existing Italian EXPERIENCES of those who have already talk about the question: “how I communicate with my interlocutor”. We will ask for these experiences to speak on the first day.

It will add a methodological study on TOOLS to educate, with an expert who can provide useful ideas to reflect on and to work on building a professional profile that can handle effective communication.

Last but not least, a COOPERATION workgroup, according to the OPEN SPACE TECHNOLOGY method, in order to find strengths and opportunities to open new possible scenarios of NETWORK, METHODOLOGICAL EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION.

The aim is to present didactic, educational or dissemination experiences that have worked out an original path to transfer knowledge and skills to individual types of users (eg doctors, students, consumers, etc.) and want to tell it.

i linguaggi dell'extravergine locandina-min

i linguaggi dell'extravergine-min

+ info from Passione Extravergine


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