Gravina in Puglia: source of inspiration, glass of wisdom, sign of history

gravina in puglia source of inspiration, glass of wisdom, sign of history, fonte d'ispirazione, calice di saggezza, segno della storia copertina-min

Gravina in Puglia: source of inspiration, glass of wisdom, sign of history.

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The city of Gravina in Puglia (Bari, Apulia, Italy) is the city of life.

Tracing the traces of our past is a journey into our history.

The history that is being told is the past that lives in the signs of civilization. Every civilization that has followed has sown culture and raised hope.

Gravina talks about and shows a journey through its history.
We present to you the ancient Gravina, the one who did not leave us, but is embedded in the present to embellish the future.

Welcome to the city of Gravina in Puglia: a source of inspiration, a glass of wisdom, a sign of history.


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