Categoria: TAAAC


  • 2018 the year of italian food

    2018 the year of italian food

    2018 the year of italian food.

     it is a news by Mipaaf – and Mibact –

    The 2018 Year of Italian Food, will promote the intertwining of art, food and landscape, which represent the best cultural attractions of our country.

    A glass of wine in the hand of Bacchus, abundant dishes of game, fish and shellfish for a lavish feast, baskets full of bunches of grapes, breads, apples and pomegranates, cascades of cherries of all the red pantones. It is art that first recognizes the cultural value of food, its symbolic, social and aesthetic value, as well as vital, from the Greek-Roman era to the advent of baroque and contemporary art. So the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, together with the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, inaugurates the 2018 Year of Italian Food with a social campaign focused on food and signature dishes, those made with tempera and light dark, in marble or ceramic, beautiful to conceive scent and taste.

    The Instagram account @museitaliani mails and shares about 50 digital posters, among which are the Karo stele at the Egyptian Museum in Turin, the Cena with nuptials by Gherardo delle Notti, the Still Life with peppers and grapes by Giorgio De Chirico, so like the sculptures by Darren Bader at the Madre Museum in Naples and the advertising posters kept at the Salce Museum in Treviso. They could not miss the Last Supper by Leonardo, the frescoes of Pompeii, the still lifes of the Villa Medicea of Poggio a Caiano and the paintings of the Neapolitan School.

    The rules of the social campaign do not change: the invitation to visit the more than 420 museums, archaeological parks and places of Italian culture continues to seek, photograph and share the theme of the month with the hashtag #annodelciboitaliano.

    Announced by Ministers Franceschini and Martina last June, the 2018 Year of Italian Food will enhance and promote the interweaving of art and landscape food, which represent the best cultural attractions of our country. Sharing photos will become a collective report that, through food, will also tell the story of our society, the evolution of taste, highlighting how much the enogastronomic heritage is part of Italian identity.

    All info about #annodelciboitaliano available at:

    by: mibact ministero dei beni e delle attivitá culturali e del turismo-min

    logo #annodelciboitaliano: anno del cibo italiano the year of italian food-min

    The link between food, art and landscape will also be the heart of the tourism promotion strategy that will be continued throughout 2018. Several initiatives will be launched to raise awareness and promote, even in terms of tourism, historical rural landscapes, for the involvement and the promotion of supply chains and there will be a specific focus on the food waste reduction.

    Italian Maurizio Martina ministry of agricultural and food and Dario Franceschini  ministriy of forestry and cultural heritage and tourism announce they proclaimed the 2018 National Year of Italian Food. Starting in January, events, initiatives and events linked to the culture and to the enogastronomic tradition of Italy will take place.

    All the initiatives of the Year of Italian food will be characterized by the official logo.

    It will focus on the appreciation of UNESCO recognitions related to food such as the Mediterranean Diet, the vine of Pantelleria, the landscapes of the Langhe Roero and Monferrato, Parma, the creative city of gastronomy and the recently inscribed Art of Neapolitan pizzaiuolo. It will be an opportunity to support the candidacy already started for Prosecco and the new one linked to Amatriciana.

    At the same time, initiatives will be launched to raise awareness and promote, even in terms of tourism, the historical rural landscapes, for the involvement and promotion of supply chains and there will be a specific focus on the fight against food waste. The close link between food, art and landscape will also be the heart of the tourism promotion strategy that will be continued throughout 2018 through Enit and the network of Italian embassies in the world and will highlight how the food and wine heritage is part of the heritage cultural and Italian identity.

    “We have a unique heritage in the world – said Minister Maurizio Martina – that thanks to the food we will be able to enhance even more: after the great experience of Expo Milano, the national food and agricultural experience returns to be a widespread protagonist in all the territories It is not only a matter of underlining the economic successes of this sector that in 2017 touches the record of exports to 40 billion euros, but to reaffirm the deep connection between food, landscape, identity, culture. project of the food districts We will do this by involving the protagonists from farmers, breeders, fishermen and cooks, and I think that in this perspective it is right to dedicate the year of food to a figure like Gualtiero Marchesi, who truly embodied these values making them known internationally “.

    “After the success of the 2016 National Year of the Roads and the 2017 National Year of the villages, 2018 will be the Year of Italian food, an important opportunity to enhance and put into the system the many extraordinary excellences and make a big investment for the image of our country in the world Thanks to the collaboration of the Ministries of Culture and Agriculture, Italy will be able to promote itself abroad in an integrated and intelligent way enhancing the intertwining of food, art and landscape that is surely one of the elements badges of Italian identity “. The Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Dario Franceschini announces the launch of a social communication campaign for state museums from January 1, 2018, which focuses on the relationship, over the centuries, between the arts and food and wine, underlining the fundamental role in the construction of Italian cultural heritage.

    All info about #annodelciboitaliano available at:

    by: mipaaf ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali-min

    logo #annodelciboitaliano: anno del cibo italiano the year of italian food-min

  • The new last minute gifts for Christmas: online adoption of vineyards, olive trees and animals

    The new last minute gifts for Christmas: online adoption of vineyards, olive trees and animals

    The new last minute gifts for Christmas: online adoption of vineyards, olive trees and animals.

     it is a news by Coldiretti Giovani Impresa –

    Among the innovative ideas thought as last minute online gift for Christmas there were this year the adoptions of vineyards, olive trees, vegetable gardens and pigs!

    Christmas, for almost 1.8 million shopping for gifts to put near the Christmas tree was characterized by last minute, that’s emerged from a Coldiretti / Ixe ‘survey on new gift ideas.

    In the searching for a Christmas present – continues Coldiretti – there is a tendency to find out the curiosity and the best price / quality ratio in the various shops without preclusions, from large retailers to small shops, till internet markets.

    Among the innovative ideas last minute online to buy gift put near the Christmas tree there were this year the adoptions of vineyards, olive trees, vegetable gardens and pigs.


    In Rome, Fulvio Di Pasquale offers the opportunity to rent a vegetable garden to grow with your favorite vegetables, see them grow and get to your table in a natural way. The vegetable garden, equipped with an independent irrigation tap, is taken over by the new “farmer” through an agreement signed with Coldiretti. The rental price includes irrigation and use of common areas to spend days outdoors in the company of “gardeners” who share the same interest.


    In the Marche region, in Monsanto di Cagli (Pesaro Urbino) farm offers the possibility to adopt a vegetable and actively participating in the preparation of the soil, its sowing and finally the harvest. In Belvedere Ostrense (Ancona) the company Acino Verde of Pierluca Federici promotes “Adopt an olive tree“. Still in the Ancona area of San Marcello, Tenuta San Marcello proposes the adoption of a vineyard of Lacrima di Morro d’Alba or of Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi.

    Francesco Riggio in the province of Reggio Calabria at his farm offers the opportunity to “adopt a pig” growing in a semi-wild state the grecanico piglets at his company. The “foster” person at the beginning of this adventure pays a sum of 200 euros and contributes each month with an installment of 45 euros which is essentially used to support the pig. During the breeding months you can visit the farm to check conditions and type of food.

    Annalisa Mastrogiuseppe di Pratola Peligna in the province of L’Aquila, in her farm holiday instead launched the project “adopts a furrow” to create small gardens for families and retirees with a passion for agriculture, but without the possibility of a field to grow .


    While in Puglia adopting an olive tree of Maria Mastroserio di Cassano delle Murge, the consumer becomes the guardian of a high quality extra virgin olive oil guaranteeing to the whole family and friends a product of the Coratina variety, contributing to the preservation of the territory. And always in the Murge area you have the opportunity to save from extinction the sheep “moscia” of the Murgia or Altamurana reduced to a few hundreds of specimens compared to 190 thousand surveyed in the 80s: you can then adopt a sheep to preserve a race with a pact ethical with Nicola Colonna in Massaria La Calcara in Altamura.

    Lucia Giacomelli, 27, of the Giacomelli farm in Grosio (Sondrio) launched the “live as a cow” project and every year there are about a hundred requests for adoptions that come from all over Lombardy, but also from Germany and Belgium. The consumer who adopts a cow receives by mail the identity card of the animal, with photos, description and particular signs of the animal. “At the end of the summer – explains Lucia – when we come back from the pasture for every customer who has adopted our cows we prepare a pack of about 3 kilos of our cheeses”. The adoption is annual, renewable, and costs 50 euros.

    Gift ideas for Christmas 2018, that will results original and that will leave you speechless!

  • Why do we have to wait for Black-Friday?

    Why do we have to wait for Black-Friday?

    Why do we have to wait for Black Friday?

    Here are some simple tips for purchasing on-line wine, food and more on Dispensa dei Tipici.

    Getting discounts does not have to be a prerogative of the Black Friday only, you can also choose to pay the goods at a fair price throughout the year.

    There are so many smart ways to buy at discount prices online or in person, just do a search on search engines and you’ll find thousands of them.

    Here are some simple tips for purchasing on-line wine, food and more on Dispensa dei Tipici.

    1 – Sign up and Log in to get your customized prices

    It’s free, you do not have to pay anything and you are not obliged to buy minimum quantities. You can browse the products with all the calmness and tranquility you need.


    But, on the first purchase you’ll get 15% discount, applied at the cart amount

    2 – Sign up and Log in to activate quantity discounts

    an idea to take advantage of discounts is to do the shopping with family/friend.

    Combine more people orders has three advantages:

    share and pay less the shipping costs
    – pay less for products thanks to quantity discounts
    – the wine and the food, shared, taste better

    3 – Contact our customer service

    If you do not find the product you are looking for, if you have any doubts or any other issues, please contact our Customer Service

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    4 – Sign up for newsletter

    Yes they seem to be annoying, but you can get first sight of sales and offers and curious and tasty news by Dispensa dei Tipici.


    5 – Remember that Dispensa dei Tipici is more than an online shop

    To propose a range of good quality products at reasonable prices!

    To be one of the meeting places where producers, players and consumers share information, stories and its added value!

    We like to learn and improve!
    Please share with us your feedback and your advice, we read them and we will treasure because we want to make your shopping experience better, more and more!

  • Put trees in your programs

    Put trees in your programs

    Put trees in your programs.

     it is a news by BiodiverSO

      We should stop constructing streets and palaces, we should recover the recoverable and plant again a lot trees.

    A few days ago, the Italian newspaper Repubblica reported on the first page, in a beautiful view, a photo of a road crossing green land, in a fall in Berlin, titled “Only trees will save cities from smog” while Lancet have been published the results of a research that shows that in 2015 the pollution caused 9 million deaths. the Italian newspaper Repubblica has reported that “rebuilding destroyed forests would eliminate the pollution of 650 million cars”.

    And we continue to destroy natural soils, cementing and waterproofing them (every day 100 hectares of natural soils are waterproofed in Italy).

    In the past many times ago, among the pleasures they proclaimed, the “gentlemen”  used to boast of having a farm where they could find everything that constituted the so-called “family satisfaction”, outside of the city walls. From this came the name “garden”, a place of delight and pleasure, which is still preserved unchanged in the local italian dialect “sciardine” or “ciardine” (Sada, 1991). Today there is a discreet revaluation of the garden which, with the expansion of the cities, the subtraction of the urban fringes, the distances that were created between the center and the suburbs (and the countryside), was (re) introduced into ‘urban area with functions no longer for “gentlemen” but for citizens, to pursue economic, social, cultural, educational, recreational and therapeutic goals.

    Too often these goals are more exposed for fashion and habit than for real understanding of what is happening in the world.

    We should stop building roads and palaces, recovering the recoverable and planting trees all around.

    mettete degli alberi nei vostri programmi put trees in your programs copertina

    In view of a next election or municipal, regional or national voting session, we should try to see which commitments will take the candidates in this direction. It all seems simple, even this speech, but in the meantime the green decreases and the cement (even the word) increases.

     + info about BiodiverSO

     + news and info “signed” Biodiverso

  • Fake news food

    Fake news food

    Fake news food.

     it is an article from Coldiretti Giovani Impresa –

    With fake news food, for 3 Italians on 4 scary at table.

    Three Italians of four (equal to 66%) are concerned about the impact of what they eat on own health, also due to the fake news food on the characteristics of foods that are multiplying in the net and pushing on senseless and even dangerous behaviors.

    This is what emerges from the Coldiretti / ixe survey, which was presented at the Coldstream Campaign campaign organized by Coldiretti and the dall’Osservatorio sulla criminalità nell’agricoltura e sul sistema agroalimentare during the training course, organized in collaboration with the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura.

    notizie bufala sul cibo fake news food news

    The web is becoming a place in which easily communicate fake news about food with a worrying avalanche effect in a situation where, according to the Coldiretti / Ixe ‘survey, 53% of Italians used it at least occasionally during the year to collect Information on the quality of food.

    About 25% of Italians participate in community / blog / internet chat focused on food, which affects purchasing choices in a not always correct and truthful way. “Incorrect food information has a greater weight than in other areas because it directly affects health. That is why we must pay particular attention to and be grateful to those who are committed to revealing deception, “said Coldiretti President Roberto Moncalvo. “The Internet, however, should not be criminalized because it can play an important role in a system where,” said Moncalvo, “food information unfortunately is likely to be influenced primarily by large multinationals through the availability of invested advertising resources.

    For us fake news food is also the advertising of oranges that contain just 12% of juice or that of olive oil of great brands that imagine Tuscan landscapes while it contains the one imported from Tunisia or still the ham that is made with pork Germans without any labeling information for consumers”.

    notizie bufala sul cibo fake news food-min