Categoria: MéMó




    Eating of several varieties of fruit and vegetables enriches our diet with compounds having essential and biologically active functions that prevent several diseases.

    neu nuovo e utile

    it is a news by

     Ancel Benjamin Keys, the American biologist who discovered Mediterranean diet benefits, in 1993 reported that “the Mediterranean Diet is mainly vegetarian, that is: pasta in various shapes, vegetables seasoned with olive oil, all kind of seasonal vegetables in addiction to cheese, every meal ends with fruit and is frequently accompanied by wine ».

     He also said: “I’m referring at “leaves “. (…) all kinds of leaves are really important for each part of every day’s diet. There are many types of lettuce, spinach, chard, portulaca (…), endive and turnips ».

     Thus, Ancel Keys emphasized the fact biodiversity is important also when we speak about dishes.

     Eating various types of fruit and vegetables enriches our diet with essential and biologically active substances having efforts for preventing numerous diseases.

     It makes our nutrient needing complete.

     It enriches our menu with several colors and stories.

     It avoid the extinction of typical products of our land.

     It improves us, simply.

    Written by Pietro Santamaria for the project Biodiverso;

    neu nuovo e utile
    The main purpose of the integrated project BiodiverSO is to help achieve a significant reduction of the current rate of erosion of the biodiversity of Apulian horticultural species.

    You can read all news, all info and all research about the project Biodiverso – Biodiversity of Apulian horticultural species.



    #Puglia #Basilicata




    We are living (but, who does know if we really have realized this already?) in the tourism era.

    neu nuovo e utile

    it is a news by

     Tourism is the most important industry of our time, also it is the most polluting: it produces CO2 and it erodes lands. It feeds a huge satellite activities: there are the planes, ships, trains and cars and buses manufacturers which would suffer a sharp decline without tourism.

     There are the roads and airports building sectors.More, there are the hotels, villages, second homes, golf courses and swimming pools building sectors. There are the manufacturing sectors whose produce furnitures for hotels and second homes. Then there are the souvenirs and skilift, skis, boots and bathing suits, slippers and backpacks and suitcases and caps and sunscreens manufacturers… and there are all the stakeholders working for advertising, publishing, on paper and online. Finally, there are Google Maps and Tripadvisor.


     International tourism value is 1522 billion dollars (Wto – World Trade Organization, 2015). Incalculable satellite activities are not included. Local tourism value is much more: 7600 billion dollars in 2014, 10 percent of world GDP.


     The world’s first tourist destination is Spain, here tourism value is more than 15 percent of internal GDP and workforce. In Italy turism represent the 10.2 percent of internal GDP and 11.6 percent of workforce (2015 data). In Costa Rica (link: tourism represent 27 percent of the workforce (and, in combination with laws about land protection, it is concretizing a different future for the whole nation).


    Insomma, il turismo è una giostra su cui buona parte della popolazione mondiale è salita (o salirà tra breve), nei ruoli più o meno intercambiabili di viaggiatore o turista, o spettatore, o lavoratore del turismo. È un fenomeno globale, pervasivo e relativamente recente. C’è un’enorme letteratura sui luoghi del turismo, c’è un’ampia produzione di scritti sul marketing e la promozione turistica. Ma i ragionamenti sul turismo in sé, come nuovo stile di vita, sistema e comportamento condiviso, sono scarsi e frammentari.


    Con Il selfie del mondo (Feltrinelli), Marco D’Eramo ci aiuta a capire come la giostra funziona, che cosa la muove e che cosa può romperla. Soprattutto, ci dice che la giostra è fatta di specchi, e che si fonda sul paradosso. Per questo, parlando di turismo, Il selfie del mondo ci parla di noi e dei nostri desideri, delle nostre illusioni e (infine) della nostra buona volontà.


    In passato la gente non si muoveva se non era obbligata a farlo. Nel Cinquecento, solo i figli dei nobili viaggiano per piacere e formazione. Nel Settecento, “aver visto il mondo” diventa obbligatorio per un gentiluomo, a cui si consiglia di andare in giro con un blocco da disegno. Nasce così la categoria del “pittoresco”: ciò che salta all’occhio, è esotico ed è facile da dipingere.

    Turismo - tourism 1-min


    Il turismo si espande a metà Ottocento, con la sbalorditiva diffusione dei mezzi di trasporto, e suscita nei nobili turisti tradizionali enorme fastidio per i “nuovi” e “brutti” e “tanti” turisti borghesi. Questi hanno mete che oggi ci sembrano stravaganti. A Parigi visitano le fogne, le prigioni e (lo racconta Marc Twain) l’obitorio.


    Ma la rivoluzione turistica mondiale si verifica nel secondo dopoguerra: si passa da 25,3 milioni di viaggiatori internazionali nel 1950 al miliardo 186 milioni del 2015 (dato WTO). Il turismo non solo si globalizza grazie ai voli low cost, ma si specializza irreggimentando pubblici diversi (anziani, congressisti, studenti, fedeli in visita ai luoghii sacri…). E, scrive d’Eramo, si ingarbuglia (ingarbugliando anche noi) in una serie di paradossi disturbanti.


    Ogni meta desiderabile perché “autentica” ed “esclusiva” smette gradualmente di esserlo man mano che si trasforma in meta turistica. E poi, più un luogo “va visto”, meno diventa possibile vederlo, perché… è pieno di turisti.


    I turisti ricercano l’autenticità, ma la individuano solo se è evidenziata, quindi “messa in scena”, quindi ostentata e inautentica. Questo fatto porta al terzo paradosso.


    Per esempio, il Palio di Siena viene medievalizzato nel 1904. E i mercati “tipici” come il Mercado de San Miguel a Madrid finiscono per vendere solo ciò che i turisti si aspettano di poter comprare.


    il turismo alimenta l’economia delle città e dei territori, ma la omogeneizza distruggendo le basi economiche su cui si fonda l’identità di quelle città e di quei territori. Nel Chiantishire i casolari diventano ville, nel centro delle città le botteghe diventano negozi di souvenir. I piccoli centri come San Gimignano si trasformano in un parco a tema.

    Turismo - tourism 1-min


    Il tocco dell’Unesco è – scrive D’Eramo — letale. Preservando le pietre e gli edifici, l’etichetta di Patrimonio dell’Umanità, anche se attribuita in perfetta buona fede, museifica i luoghi, li sterilizza, costringe gli abitanti all’esodo svuotando i centri urbani.


    L’inautentico turistico è un autentico (e dunque rimarchevole) segno del nostro tempo. Basti pensare al caso di Lijang, città turistica cinese interamente ricostruita, (oltre 20 milioni di turisti nel 2013). O al caso di Las Vegas. Due insediamenti che raccontano una verità proprio nel loro essere fenomeni del tutto artificiali


    Le persone si assumono volontariamente il compito di eseguirlo mentre sono in ferie, cercando di sfruttare con la massima efficacia il poco tempo disponibile. Un dettaglio rivelatore: quelli che dicono “ho fatto il Brasile, l’anno prossimo farò l’Asia centrale”. Che fatica…


    Parliamo di gastronomia. Si moltiplicano le sagre enogastronomiche: in Italia sono oltre 34.000, più di quattro a comune. Abbiamo 1515 sagre della polenta e 1040 sagre della salsiccia, 5790 sagre del tartufo, 156 sagre della lumaca e 171 della rana… e si moltiplicano anche i ristoranti etnici, perché i turisti amano gustare di nuovo i sapori incontrati in vacanza. Ma la “cucina etnica” è come la “musica etnica”: ingredienti tradizionali riarrangiati per un pubblico globale.


    Preferisce considerare se stesso un “viaggiatore”, e riversare il proprio disprezzo su qualcun altro che si comporta più “da turista”. La catena del disprezzo classista è forte: lo svago delle masse, che è recentissimo, ha ricevuto dagli intellettuali più critiche in dieci anni di quante il tempo libero degli aristocratici ne abbia ricevute in duemila anni.


    Il testo di Marco D’Eramo è a sua volta un viaggio. Cioè un percorso tra fenomeni, luoghi, idee, dati, idiosincrasie, intuizioni e contraddizioni, e mille storie sorprendenti. Ma, proprio come capita nei viaggi materiali, anche procedendo di pagina in pagina l’autore entra in contatto con prospettive inaspettate e ne esce cambiato. E con lui noi, che l’abbiamo seguito leggendo.

    Turismo - tourism 1-min


    La chiave del cambiamento di prospettiva sta in una serie di domande semplicissime: …e se il turismo fosse animato dal movente positivo dell’essere curiosi del mondo? E se non si trattasse d’altro che di una pratica di automiglioramento (self improvement) corporeo, emotivo e intellettuale? Del resto, in quale altra occupazione che la renda più felice potrebbe una sterminata massa di esseri umani investire il suo tempo libero? C’è qualcosa di commovente, scrive D’Eramo, nella fiducia che andare a visitare una città, un monumento, un paese possa aprirti la mente, renderti migliore.


    Eppure, la bistrattata figura del turista forse non durerà per sempre. Potremmo perfino cominciare a coltivare, nei suoi confronti, una specie di nostalgia. Il cambiamento del lavoro, che diventa sempre meno stabile, può cambiare l’idea stessa di “vacanza”. E lo sguardo turistico che cerca il nuovo, l’autentico e l’inaspettato, forse si appannerà dopo aver già visto in rete tutto ciò che merita di essere visto.

    + from Nuovo e Utile

    Written by Annamaria Testa for its own website Nuovo e Utile, teorie e pratiche della creativitá

    neu nuovo e utile

    Nuovo e Utile is a no profit website about theories and practices about creativity. NeU – Nuovo e Utile aims to increase the awareness about good quality information and tools, useful to think and design with an innovative way. NeU – Nuovo e Utile is useful for professionals, teachers, students, researchers, and those who have a particular interest in the theories and practices of creativity.

    You can read all artichles on website NeU – Nuovo e Utile, theories and practices about creativity.

    It is a project by Annamaria Testa

    photo credits

    #Puglia #Basilicata




    Recipe taken from

     I had eaten one zeppola and I was amazed to discover that they were zeppoles lactose free!

    This recipe was given to me by my cousin so I immediately wanted to imitate it, because now I have to copy everything.. next year I’ll do a version suitable for everyone: gluten-free, dairy-free, without eggs and everything else ahahahahh


    For the choux pastry:

    250 ml of water
    180 ml extra virgin olive oil
    1 teaspoon salt
    250 grams of flour 0
    6 eggs

    For the cream:

    500 ml of soy milk
    100 grams of brown sugar
    1 organic lemon scratch
    50 grams of flour 0
    50 grams of potato starch

    For decoration:

    Sour cherries in Syrup
    Powdered sugar

    Preparation time:

    15 minutes

    Rest time:

    10 minutes

    Cooking time:

    20-30 minutes (I used the gas oven, for the electric one start to control the cooking from 15 minutes onwards)


    Place in a pan the water, oil and salt.

    When it boils, quickly pour the flour all at once and stir vigorously until the mixture does not detach from the walls of the pan: you will have to form a soft dough, compact and homogeneous. If it seems that the dough starts to scorch turn off the heat.

    Pour into a bowl and let it cool down for good.

    Preheat oven to 200 degrees.

    Join to the cold mixture the eggs, one by one, slamming with a wooden spoon until the dough will form air bubbles.

    Put it in a pastry bag with a large star-shaped nozzle of about 3 cm and form several donuts with closed bottom on a baking paper. If it result useful, you can draw the circles with a glass.

    When finished, place in preheated oven to 200 degrees and cook for about 20 minutes without ever opening the oven, in the highest part.

    Once this time has passed, if your zeppolas lactose free will be colored you may switch off and slightly open the oven door to see if the zeppole goes down, if yes cook a few minutes more. Let them dry thoroughly before removing them permanently from the oven.

    Into the meanwhile you are cooking zeppolas, you can prepare the pastry cream.

    In a pan, beat the eggs with the sugar and the lemon zest, until you got a clear color.

    Add the flour and, little by little, the cold soy milk. Place on a low heat and, scrambling, let it boil 5 minutes.

    Turn and work until the cream will not become very firm, almost harsh.

    If the appearance seems too liquid, add another tablespoon of flour and mix again to remove the lumps: whip in photography is excellent for this type of preparation.

    To give a more yellowish color, if you look too clear, you can add a pinch of turmeric.

    Let cool the cream, mixing occasionally to avoid formation of a surface skin, once both zeppole and cream will be cold, you can decorate with the help of the pastry bag.

    Finish the whole process, cutting in half a black cherry or sour cherry and placing it on top of each one of zeppolas lactose free and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Recipe and images by Ilaria.

    recipe and images from

  • The Pasticciotto

    The Pasticciotto

    The Pasticciotto

    it is a recipe by La dolce cucina di

    Fancy of spring, sun, mild temperatures (not suffocating heat!!!),  trips, summer vacations…

    The Pasticciotto leccese: lu sule, lu mare, lu jentu… the Salento!

    Summer holidays make me thinking about the sea, the sea immediately brings me to Salento, Maldives of Puglia.

    We Apulian citizens reach easily the sea coast: we have a lot of choice, Adriatic seacoast and Ionian seacoast … from the Gargano to Santa Maria di Leuca, till the Gulf of Taranto, often sandy coasts, other rocky.

    Personally, I like fine and clear sand beaches, crystalline sea, shallow water, the sunset or sun setting in the water, while I enjoy the last hours of the day.

    Here, I described the Ionian coast! My holiday in Salento … Ugento and surroundings, my memories of a girl camping with my family, then with friends, then with the boyfriend, then with husband and son.

    Who does not yet know this region must necessarily plan an holiday here in Puglia, there is so much more than the sea and the picturesque coastline!

    And… if you travel to Salento… pasticciotto is compulsory!

    The Pasticciotto leccese

    The pasticciotto leccese is a typical sweet dish of the Salento area, an oval shape pastry wrap custard filled. There are many variations, with sour cherries or with chocolate cream or many creative kinds.

    My favorite pasticciotto is the classics cream filled or those with cream and sour cherries. You can not go to Lecce and do not try one! Just can not!

    I often prepare them. A friend of mine from Lecce, gave me a special recipe and gave me special oval molds, directly from Salento.

    Certainly, each family from Lecce and each pastry shop in Lecce preserve its own recipe, its own secret that will never ever tell you.

    This happens for all the typical city and regional recipes!

    I’m brave and I throw myself in this concentrate of goodness … here is my recipe.

    Ingredients to prepare the Shortbread dough:

    500 g flour 00
    250 g lard
    200 g granulated sugar
    150 g whole eggs (about 2 large eggs)
    1 organic lemon (grated rind)
    1 pinch of salt
    5 g ammonia for sweets

    Ingredients to prepare the Cuttard:

    500 ml whole milk
    4 egg yolks
    180 g granulated sugar
    45 g cornstarch
    1 berry of vanilla

    Ingredients to prepare the Dressing:

    Sour cherries in syrup

    How to do:

    Start to prepare this particular shortbread dough, typical for pasticciotto.

    In the mixer pour the lard, the salt, the sugar, the lemon grated rind, the ammonia and activate the kneader and then add the flour.

    When homogeneous mass was formed, turn off the kneader, shape a flattened loaf by hands and put in the fridge for an hour, cover the dough with plastic food film.

    The consistency of this shortbread dough is different from the usual one, it is less compact and requires a quick processing.

    In the meantime, start to prepare the cuttard: in a saucepan pour the milk (heated), put the vanilla bean into infusion without seeds, pour seeds with the yolks in a bowl.

    Add the sugar and put the egg yolks slightly, add the starch and continue to mix for a few more minutes.

    As soon as the milk boiled, pour the egg whites, wait for it to boil again, quickly mix with a whisk and after 1-2 minutes the cream is ready: this is the cooking method of Luca Montersino, that I prefer.

    Immediately pour it into a low and wide bowl and put it in the fridge to cool it covered with food film.

    Then start to prepare the pasticciotto: took the cold shortbread dough out from fridge, took three quarters of the entire dough and spread it quickly in between of two sheets of baking paper, cut the oval and cover molds pressing with fingers to make the pastry adherent
    to the walls.

    Fill with cream the mold almost to the top, on the top of some pasticciotti place some sour cherries in syrup.
    At this point spread the remaining pasta and cut out the ovals that must cover the pasticciotto.

    With fingers press along the edges to make the pastry adherent well and give the characteristic dome shape.

    Make the dough rest in the fridge for 1 hour.

    After cooling, brush the surface with a beaten egg and cook in a warm oven ( 200 degrees for 15/17 minutes).

    They must be getting colored, not too much.

    Take them out of the oven, make them cool and then remove the pasticciotto from the molds.


    + contact La dolce cucina di Paola

    + info, news and recipes “signed” La dolce cucina di Paola

  • Cicory and Fava Beans

    Cicory and Fava Beans

    Cicory and Fava Beans.

     it is a recipe by Gastronomia

    Traditional recipe from Basilicata.


    500 g of dried faba beans
    chili pepper, q.b.
    1 kg of cicory
    extra virgin olive oil
    1 clove of garlic


    Merge in a plenty of water the dried beans for a whole night

    Boil the beans until they become soften; then reduce them to cream.

    In a pan, season the bean pure with oil, salt, pepper, onion and chopped celery.

    Boil the chicory in salted water, drain it, squeeze it and then fry it with garlic oil and chilli pepper.

    Serve the bean purée first, then chicory.

    Add toasted bread as a side dish and season with raw oil.

    fave e cicorie fava beans and cicory 1-min


    + info about Gastronomia Lucana

    + recipes and news “signed” Gastronomia Lucana

  • Orecchiette with rocket pesto and caramelized tomatoes

    Orecchiette with rocket pesto and caramelized tomatoes

     Orecchiette with rocket pesto and caramelized tomatoes.

     it is a recipe by Crispy

    I opened the fridge and saw 3 products I love .. you will probably have read some tasty recipe with these ingredients: Orecchiette, Rocket and Tomatoes, an infallible trio!

    orecchiette con pesto orecchiette with pesto-min


    400g di Orecchiette
    250g di rucola
    40g di mandorle
    100g di pomodorini
    1/4 di cipolla
    2 cucchiai di zucchero (in questo caso ho usato Tropical & Stevia di Eridania)
    Olio extravergine di oliva
    Sale e pepe


    Partiamo con la preparazione mettendo in una padella la cipolla a soffriggere con un filo di olio extravergine di oliva, una volta che la cipolla si sarà imbiondita aggiungete i pomodorini tagliati a metà.

    Lasciamo rosolare i pomodorini per qualche minuto aggiungendo sale e pepe per insaporire, negli ultimi minuti di cottura aggiungere i 2 cucchiai di zucchero di canna e mezzo bicchiere d’acqua in modo da far caramellare i pomodorini senza bruciare lo zucchero.

    Dopodichè buttiamo le orecchiette in acqua bollente salata, lasciando cuocere per circa 10 min.

    Nel frattempo procediamo alla preparazione del pesto, mettendo la rucola all’interno del mixer insieme alle mandorle e frullando il tutto aggiungendo l’olio evo a filo, spegnete quando la salsa avrà raggiunto la giusta consistenza.

    Scolate le orecchiette e saltatele per un minuto nella padella insieme ai pomodrini.

    Infine disponete sul piatto il pesto di rucola precedentemente preparato e adagiatevi sopra le orecchiette e i pomodorini caramellati.

    Buon appetito!!!!!

    orecchiette con pesto orecchiette with pesto-min

    + info about Crispy Kitchen

    + recipes and news “signed” Crispy Kitchen

  • Ragnatella, the donut for Halloween!

    Ragnatella, the donut for Halloween!

    Ragnatella, the donut for Halloween!

     it is a recipe by Ricette da

    Who is not afraid of spiders? And who is not afraid to be caught in a cobweb like a fly? Starting by now you will not be afraid anymore and you will desire nothing more than a good … Ragnatella, the donut for Halloween!


    Ingredients x18 cm baking tray:

    150 gr of soft Italian wheat flour type 00 (+ the one for flour)
    85 grams of sugar
    1 medium egg
    50 ml of Italian milk
    50 ml of neutral yogurt
    25 ml of Italian Evo oil
    ½ yeast small bag
    1 teaspoon of black food dye
    Butter q.b. to grind the pan

    For the chocolate coating:

    50 gr of dark chocolate

    For the blood effect:

    3 – 4 teaspoon of cherry jam (or strawberry jam)
    2 spoons of water

    Preparation time:

    30 minutes

    Cooking time:

    (gas oven) 25 – 30 minutes
    (electro-ventilated oven) 30 – 40 minutes

    How to do:

    Preheat the oven at 180 °.

    In a large bowl, melt all the liquid ingredients (oil, eggs, milk and yogurt) until they are well melted together. Pour the flour and the sugar little by little, then mix well with the whip to avoid lumps.

    Grind and flake the baking tray (that for “donuts with the hole”).

    Add to the compound in the bowl, add the yeast, mix and then divide the dough into two equal parts in two separate bowls: in one, add the spoon of black food dye and then mix until you are well-mixed.

    Pour one of the two “colors” into the baking tray, then add the arous with a lot of calm then mix with a teaspoon (or you can pour them a little by little at a time, alternating them).

    Place in the oven (already hot) and cook for the time indicated above. (however, do the “needle test”).

    Once cooked, turn off the oven, leave for a minute with the door closed, then open and allow some air to enter the oven for a few minutes, then extract the donut and let it cool.
    It will have to be cool for the wow effect!

    Draw a baking tray circle pattern on a oven paper.

    After melting the dark chocolate, either in a bain-marie or in the microwave oven for 1 minute, place it with a wet spoon inside the circle pattern to form a precise circle. Let it rest for a few minutes and then place it in a freezer so it will stay in plan.

    Meanwhile, in a pan, warm up and melt the jam with a couple of spoonfuls of water, so that it will be well-liquid, but at the same time dense.

    Finally, you can “make up” the donut.

    Sprinkle with the jam the top of the donut.

    Insert plastic spiders inside the donut hole.

    ragnatella la ciambella per halloween - the donut for halloween copertina

    Place (gently) the chocolate circle on the donut 0s top so as to hide the spiders, the jam will also make the glue effect.

    You can decorate with so many symbols that recall Halloween before bringing it to the table!

    ragnatella la ciambella per halloween - the donut for halloween copertina

    By cutting this donut for Halloween, the jam will look like “blood” and surprise will also get off the spiders!

    ragnatella la ciambella per halloween - the donut for halloween copertina

    by Ilaria.

    *a great thank to my friend Luigia for the name and for the introduction to the recipe!

    + more recipes and news by Ricette da Coinquiline

  • Outside home menu: Sandwitch with eggplant parmigiana

    Outside home menu: Sandwitch with eggplant parmigiana

    Outside home menu: Sandwitch with eggplant parmigiana.

     it is a recipe by Ricette da

    A delicious sandwich with eggplant parmigiana is always useful during the holidays.

    A stuffed sandwich, in my opinion, is very good: it does match very well when you go to the beach, with the fridge bag.

    On this blog you will find a delicious sandwich useful for your vacation.

    Obviously, the best thing to do with this sandwich is to use an eggplant parmigiana already cooked, but you know how to do it? NO?

    Then read the recipe!

    Ingredients x20 cm baking tray:

    1/2 kg of aubergines
    2 eggs
    Flour q.b.
    Seed oil q.b.
    100 gr of cooked ham cut into pieces
    100 gr of milk mozzarella cut into pieces
    Grated Parmesan q.b.
    Sauce to Bolognese q.b.
    Preparation time: 20 minutes
    Cooking time: 10-15 minutes
    Google Traduttore per le aziende:Translator ToolkitTraduttore di siti web

    How to do:

    Wash and cut the aubergines over the long, sprinkle the salt and let them drain in a colander. After about half an hour, dry them, using a towel or a clean towel. Pass them into flour and then into the beaten eggs and fry them in plenty of boiling oil.

    Preheat oven to 200 °.

    At the bottom of the pan, sprinkle some sauce, so do not attack the eggplants. Then make a layer of aubergines, another bit of gravy, cooked ham, mozzarella and a little parmesan cheese and again gravy. Go ahead until you finish all the aubergines and complete the last layer with a generous handful of grated Parmesan cheese.

    Place in the oven for about ten minutes (the time to form a nice crostick on the surface) and fry. Cut pieces as big as a slice of bread and start rolling sandwiches, put them between two slices of bread and eat !!!

    Obviously, bring it cool!

    panino con la parmigiana sandwitch with eggplant parmigiana 1-min copertina (1)-min

    + more recipes and news by Ricette da Coinquiline

  • Tarte-tatin with borrettane onions

    Tarte-tatin with borrettane onions

    Tarte-tatin with borrettane onions.

     it is a recipe from

     My version revisited in a somewhat different way as my habit of the Tarte-tatin.

    Since I opened this blog I started to follow many others to see, improve, learn new things! Through instagram I met stefyboulangerie and from here I met the blog WelcomeBa (c) kery by Stefania Russo and Daria Padovan, so we got in touch and we started to follow us. On their blog I was struck by Tarte tatin with caramelized red onions that I absolutely wanted to try and then make my own version!

    On Stefania’s blog you can find the traditional version, but today I will give you my revised version in a slightly different way as my habit!


    doses for 24 cm baking tray

    for Pasta briseè
    200 g of flour Kamut
    60 g ghee (or if you prefer 80/100 gr of butter)
    salt -just a pinch
    One teaspoon of turmeric

    for filling
    borrettana onions – so many to cover a 24-batch (a couple more because they then retreat)
    3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
    3 tablespoons of whole cane sugar
    Cold water to knead


    tart tatin cipolle borrettane 1-min

    Prepare the pasta brisè
    Prepare the alternative bristle paste: put the flour in a bowl with turmeric and mix them together then salt and ghee (at room temperature is solid but not hard) now work the flour and butter as if you want to pinch them , Until you get a kind of semolina. At this point, add little water at a time to mix quickly to get a compact ball. Put it in the fridge for half an hour.

    tart tatin cipolle borrettane 2-min

    In the meantime peel the borrettane onions (I chose these because in addition to having them in the house are the ones I use to do in traditional sweetness, so I knew that as flavor would be indicated) place them in the pan almost covered with water and bake in oven at 180 / 190 ° for 20 min.

    Remove excess water from the onions and add balsamic vinegar and sugar thoroughly distributed on the onions, then form for another 10 minutes.

    After the pasta cooling time has passed, remove it from the fridge and place it with the roller shutter so that it is slightly larger than the frying pan.

    Use it to cover the onions (at the end of 10 minutes), rolling over the excess of dough, bake it with a fork before reinfishing for another 20 minutes.

    tart tatin cipolle borrettane 3-min

    Once the cooking is finished, put it in a serving pan and serve it !!!

    Good appetite with this version of Tarte-tatin with the borrettane onions!

    tart tatin cipolle borrettane 4-min

    … and thank Stefania for this tasty recipe !!!!

    news from Mangioviaggiando

  • Picnic desire: snacks with almond cream

    Picnic desire: snacks with almond cream

    Picnic desire: snacks with almond cream.

     it’s a recipe by Ricette da

    When I read this month’s theme, picnics, I have to be sincere: I was panicked!

    Luckily, Macchia came to the aid, Macchia is my great photogenic dog who started laying in my photographs – now with a muzzle, now with his mouth – and managed to give me a good idea: why stop at the outside picnic? We do both! And so on Pinterest I searched the word “indoor” next to “picnic” and found out that around there are a bunch of beautiful ideas for when it’s raining or cold, but the desire to eat on a sunny deck Is so much!

    voglia di picnic merendine alla crema di mandorle - picnic desire snacks with almond cream - 1-min

    Also, among the ingredients I used almonds and flour: and what’s better about the use of flour and almonds of Dispensa dei Tipici managed by Nico?


    x9 snaks

    For the dough:

    4 eggs
    100 gr of soft wheat flour
    100 grams of white sugar

    For the cream:

    2 egg yolks
    50 grams of sugar (2 spoonfuls filled)
    Some drops of vanilla essence
    30 gr white flour (1 spoon filled)
    3 tablespoons filled with almond flour *
    250 ml of milk
    1 tablespoon filled with neutral yogurt

    For decoration:

    25 gr almond blades

    Preparation time:

    30 minuts

    Cooking time:

    15 – 20 minuts

    Cooling time:

    30 minuts


    For the dough.

    Turn on the oven to 160°.

    With the planetary or electric shaker, pour eggs with sugar and salt pinch until they have tripled their volume – it will take about 10 minutes. They will have to be beautiful bubbly and fluffy.

    Then combine the fine flour, mixing gently.

    Pour the dough into a 26 × 35 pan covered with baking paper and bake for 15 minutes – or until it is dry (toothpick test) – then turn it off and cool completely.

    voglia di picnic merendine alla crema di mandorle - picnic desire snacks with almond cream - 2-min

    voglia di picnic merendine alla crema di mandorle - picnic desire snacks with almond cream - 3-min

    voglia di picnic merendine alla crema di mandorle - picnic desire snacks with almond cream - 4-min

    voglia di picnic merendine alla crema di mandorle - picnic desire snacks with almond cream - 5-min

    For the cream.

    In a saucepan, beat the eggs with the sugar and the vanilla essence until you get a clear color. Combine the flour and the almonds and, little by little, the cold milk. Place them on a low heat and, always stirring, let it boil for at least 5 minutes. Turn and work until the cream has become smooth, hard. If the appearance seems too liquid, add another spoon of flour and mix to make the lumps disappear. To give a more delicate color, if you feel too light, you can add a bit of turmeric. Cool the cream, stirring occasionally to prevent the film from forming. Now combine a spoonful of yogurt and mix.

    Snacks assembling.

    Take the sponge cake, finish the edges and cut off strips about 3 cm wide and 24 cm long; Then cut each strip into three pieces long 8 cm each.

    voglia di picnic merendine alla crema di mandorle - picnic desire snacks with almond cream - 6-min

    Take a rectangle, stuffed with abundant custard cream (2 tablespoons), then position over a second rectangle and spread over a cream veil again; it will serve as a glue for the almond blanks.

    Proceed until the cakes are full, then decorate them with almond blanks and finally place them on a plate and let them rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

    The cakes are ready to be closed in a piece of paper oven and brought with you around! I recommend you put them in the fridge bag.

    Almonds flour:

    you can get the almond flour even by weighing the same amount into already shelled almonds and then shredding them in powder with a kitchen robot.

    voglia di picnic merendine alla crema di mandorle - picnic desire snacks with almond cream - 7-min

    voglia di picnic merendine alla crema di mandorle - picnic desire snacks with almond cream - 8-min

    voglia di picnic merendine alla crema di mandorle - picnic desire snacks with almond cream - 10-min

    photo by Ilaria from