Categoria: BLOG


  • #TipiciLover – Mina e Francesca: Soft and light sponge cake and biscuits.

    #TipiciLover – Mina e Francesca: Soft and light sponge cake and biscuits.

    #TipiciLover – Mina e Francesca: Soft and light sponge cake and biscuits.

    “Soft and light sponge cake and biscuits.
    Always good, thak you Dispensa dei Tipici.”
    Mina e Francesca.

    #SUNdeiTipici: your satisfaction is our energy!

    We like delicious things (: #welikelecosebuone

    We thank you, Mina e Franca!


    immages by minaeziafranca.

    Ampia scelta, per aquistare online cibo, vino, artigianato | Wide selection, to purchase online wine, food, handcraft

    Idee per gli acquisti | Shopping ideas

    Mandorle di Toritto | Toritto’s Almonds | Kg 0,500 | Contado

    Farina tipo 00 di Grano Tenero | Soft Wheat type 00 Flour | kg 5 | Molino Artigianale Dibenedetto

  • #TipiciLover – Ilaria: create something delicious

    #TipiciLover – Ilaria: create something delicious

    #TipiciLover – Ilaria: create something delicious.

    “Thanks to Dispensa dei Tipici! Wheat flour 00 obtained by Puglia’s grains and shelled almonds from Toritto 🙂
    The delivery was fast and I can not wait to start to create something delicious with these two products made in Italy <3 ”

    #SUNdeiTipici: your satisfaction is our energy!

    We like delicious things (: #welikelecosebuone

    We thank you, Ilaria!


    images by Ilaria M.

    prodotti consigliati da acquistare nel negozio online | recommended products to purchase into online shop

    Toritto’s Almonds – Mandorla di Toritto – kg 0,200 – Contado

    Soft Wheat type 00 flour kg 1 – Molino Artigianale Dibenedetto

  • #TipiciLover – Rosa: impeccable as always

    #TipiciLover – Rosa: impeccable as always

    #TipiciLover – Rosa: impeccable as always.

    “The gift was more than appreciated !!! Impeccable as always!;) #graziee”

    #SUNdeiTipici: your satisfaction is our energy!

    Receive your compliments, pushes us to improve more and more!

    We thank you, Rosa!


    immagini by Rosa C.

    prodotti consigliati | recommended products

    categorie negozio | shop categories

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  • #TipiciLover – Angela: the Sunday lunch.

    #TipiciLover – Angela: the Sunday lunch.

    #TipiciLover – Angela: the Sunday lunch.

    “The Sunday lunch with #dispensadeitipici.
    #puglia #weareTipici veryveryvery good!”

    #SUNdeiTipici: your satisfaction is our energy!

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful and tasty dish, Angela!


    immagini by Angela P.

    prodotti consigliati | recommended products

    categorie negozio | shop categories

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  • #TipiciLover – Annamaria: the happyness of rural soul

    #TipiciLover – Annamaria: the happyness of rural soul

    #TipiciLover – Annamaria: the happyness of rural soul.

    “I send you some pictures of the things I do now with your flours will have one more quality, genuineness. Not by bread alone … I tried a nice feeling to get my “hands dirty”. Awareness obtained using flour with grains of our land make happy my rural soul. Thanks.”

    #SUNdeiTipici: Your satisfaction is our energy!

    To be able to arouse the excitement in our consumer is just what we work for. It is not easy, but we will not be a simple online shop.
    We thank you, Annamaria!


    immagesi by Annamaria C.

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