
  • 2018 the year of italian food

    2018 the year of italian food

    2018 the year of italian food.

     it is a news by Mipaaf – and Mibact –

    The 2018 Year of Italian Food, will promote the intertwining of art, food and landscape, which represent the best cultural attractions of our country.

    A glass of wine in the hand of Bacchus, abundant dishes of game, fish and shellfish for a lavish feast, baskets full of bunches of grapes, breads, apples and pomegranates, cascades of cherries of all the red pantones. It is art that first recognizes the cultural value of food, its symbolic, social and aesthetic value, as well as vital, from the Greek-Roman era to the advent of baroque and contemporary art. So the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, together with the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, inaugurates the 2018 Year of Italian Food with a social campaign focused on food and signature dishes, those made with tempera and light dark, in marble or ceramic, beautiful to conceive scent and taste.

    The Instagram account @museitaliani mails and shares about 50 digital posters, among which are the Karo stele at the Egyptian Museum in Turin, the Cena with nuptials by Gherardo delle Notti, the Still Life with peppers and grapes by Giorgio De Chirico, so like the sculptures by Darren Bader at the Madre Museum in Naples and the advertising posters kept at the Salce Museum in Treviso. They could not miss the Last Supper by Leonardo, the frescoes of Pompeii, the still lifes of the Villa Medicea of Poggio a Caiano and the paintings of the Neapolitan School.

    The rules of the social campaign do not change: the invitation to visit the more than 420 museums, archaeological parks and places of Italian culture continues to seek, photograph and share the theme of the month with the hashtag #annodelciboitaliano.

    Announced by Ministers Franceschini and Martina last June, the 2018 Year of Italian Food will enhance and promote the interweaving of art and landscape food, which represent the best cultural attractions of our country. Sharing photos will become a collective report that, through food, will also tell the story of our society, the evolution of taste, highlighting how much the enogastronomic heritage is part of Italian identity.

    All info about #annodelciboitaliano available at:

    by: mibact ministero dei beni e delle attivitá culturali e del turismo-min

    logo #annodelciboitaliano: anno del cibo italiano the year of italian food-min

    The link between food, art and landscape will also be the heart of the tourism promotion strategy that will be continued throughout 2018. Several initiatives will be launched to raise awareness and promote, even in terms of tourism, historical rural landscapes, for the involvement and the promotion of supply chains and there will be a specific focus on the food waste reduction.

    Italian Maurizio Martina ministry of agricultural and food and Dario Franceschini  ministriy of forestry and cultural heritage and tourism announce they proclaimed the 2018 National Year of Italian Food. Starting in January, events, initiatives and events linked to the culture and to the enogastronomic tradition of Italy will take place.

    All the initiatives of the Year of Italian food will be characterized by the official logo.

    It will focus on the appreciation of UNESCO recognitions related to food such as the Mediterranean Diet, the vine of Pantelleria, the landscapes of the Langhe Roero and Monferrato, Parma, the creative city of gastronomy and the recently inscribed Art of Neapolitan pizzaiuolo. It will be an opportunity to support the candidacy already started for Prosecco and the new one linked to Amatriciana.

    At the same time, initiatives will be launched to raise awareness and promote, even in terms of tourism, the historical rural landscapes, for the involvement and promotion of supply chains and there will be a specific focus on the fight against food waste. The close link between food, art and landscape will also be the heart of the tourism promotion strategy that will be continued throughout 2018 through Enit and the network of Italian embassies in the world and will highlight how the food and wine heritage is part of the heritage cultural and Italian identity.

    “We have a unique heritage in the world – said Minister Maurizio Martina – that thanks to the food we will be able to enhance even more: after the great experience of Expo Milano, the national food and agricultural experience returns to be a widespread protagonist in all the territories It is not only a matter of underlining the economic successes of this sector that in 2017 touches the record of exports to 40 billion euros, but to reaffirm the deep connection between food, landscape, identity, culture. project of the food districts We will do this by involving the protagonists from farmers, breeders, fishermen and cooks, and I think that in this perspective it is right to dedicate the year of food to a figure like Gualtiero Marchesi, who truly embodied these values making them known internationally “.

    “After the success of the 2016 National Year of the Roads and the 2017 National Year of the villages, 2018 will be the Year of Italian food, an important opportunity to enhance and put into the system the many extraordinary excellences and make a big investment for the image of our country in the world Thanks to the collaboration of the Ministries of Culture and Agriculture, Italy will be able to promote itself abroad in an integrated and intelligent way enhancing the intertwining of food, art and landscape that is surely one of the elements badges of Italian identity “. The Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Dario Franceschini announces the launch of a social communication campaign for state museums from January 1, 2018, which focuses on the relationship, over the centuries, between the arts and food and wine, underlining the fundamental role in the construction of Italian cultural heritage.

    All info about #annodelciboitaliano available at:

    by: mipaaf ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali-min

    logo #annodelciboitaliano: anno del cibo italiano the year of italian food-min

  • Where do you buy oil?

    Where do you buy oil?

    Where do you buy oil?

      it is a news by

    We all,  everyone among us, we are convinced that the oil we buy is an excellent oil. It does not matter if you buy it in an oil mill, in a supermarket, in a olive oil shop or on specialized websites, we are all convinced that “mine is better than yours”.

    Starting from this very Italian “truth”, we created a small poll on Twitter and then relaunched on Fb that gave four possible answers.


    This picture reflects, more or less, the Italian situation, where most of the people buy in the mill (meaning with the mill in general buying direct from producers) and then to follow supermarket, oil and online.

    What emerges from the research “The green Italian gold” of AICIG, ISMEA and ZOWART, reported with reference to the survey by Susanna Benedetti (Sommelier of the oil), apart from the well-known fact of the constant growth of consumption of olive oil on an international level, an interesting thing to know is the diffusion of olive oil even outside the borders of traditionally consumer countries, that is due to many factors, including the increasing “contamination” of the culinary traditions that see among the most renowned Mediterranean, and Italian in particular. The problem is that this increase in consumption does not correspond with the awareness and knowledge that one has of the product.

    This lack of knowledge would seem to be reflected in the purchasing methods that emerged from the answers to the question “where do you buy the oil”. If the direct purchase from the producer (frantoio) is the prevailing answer, it should be noted that comments would seem to emerge that this choice is driven not so much by the awareness of the quality of the oil purchased and the skills of the producer but the hope that it is a genuine oil. The oil purchased from the mill, usually is produced by local olives, has a higher cost than that on the shelves of supermarkets and Gdo, a method of purchase that follows in the polls the mill. The latter, however, is in most cases a blend of EU and non-EU oils, sold at very low prices and which, as demonstrated in recent years by numerous investigations, often does not even have the organoleptic characteristics to be defined as extra virgin olive oil. Marginals, on the other hand, are purchases in local stores and online shop, less traditional places of purchase that have not yet taken place among consumers’ habits but which could have the advantage of a guided purchase, that is supported by selectors with competence related to the product they sell, and overcome territorial boundaries by opening up to a wider range of oils to choose from, obviously, compared to a higher price than that of retail chains.

    olio extra vergine di oliva scaffale-min

    How do you convince people that an oil bought in oil shop / online shop above 12 euros (average price per liter of this year) is not pure madness but only the approach to a product of high quality that in addition to having a disproportionate wealth of aromas and flavors, also has many health properties that should not be underestimated?


    The online survey was an opportunity for an interesting discussion among various actors in the sector (entrepreneurs, producers, tasters and sommeliers). Leaving aside the preference of individuals between the best choice for purchase, who online, who in the mill and who in the bar (it is no coincidence that no one has mentioned the supermarket?) All of us agree that there is need to spread the culture of oil and therefore the whole is reduced by simplifying a cultural problem and the growing mistrust that is had in the purchase of products that do not know each other and for this we rely on someone else (the producer / miller friend in our case) .

    Solutions for trend inversion?

    There is no only one solution, but the continuous commitment of professionals who constantly compare and support producers on the “road” to product quality and migration in the online world:

    olio extra vergine di oliva ristorante-min

    The culture like wildfire: we have to start from the restaurant and reflect on the fact that food and wine tourism, particularly appreciated by tourists, represents a new way of traveling that is conquering an increasing number of “oil enthusiasts”, looking for new flavors and authentic traditions. At this juncture, the enhancement and promotion of quality catering takes on a new role, becoming the vector of culture and values ​​firmly linked to its territory and its roots. The restaurant, therefore, is increasingly a vehicle for immediate promotion, because it is a repository of the heritage of knowledge and flavors linked to the traditional cuisine of our land. In this context, quality extra virgin olive oil represents an important excellence. We are sure that the consumer is willing to pay 2 cents for a good olive oil, as we are sure that the habitué of high quality catering want to season a good salad with a good extra virgin olive oil that affects the dish for a few cents. There is therefore an ongoing cultural and educational growth, a nourished attention, the desire to become aware, to understand and to know. There is room for oil from quality olives in catering. The process is unfortunately slow, but something is changing. It would be necessary to create a circuit of quality restaurants and gastronomy, linked to extra virgin olive oil to make the restaurant, a real place of taste, through which to convey information to customers and illustrate the aromatic and aromatic qualities of the various types of oil. Here, we should add professionals and experts such as “the oleologist” or the “oil sommelier”, called to carry out a real work of product culture and correct information. We are many, but we are not enough. We have to continously confront each other without talking to each other and expanding the audience knowing that those we have to convince are not the people who know the product but who the oil has wrong centenarian convictions.

    olio extra vergine di oliva ristorante-min

    Distribution of the oil shops: the simplest thing to say (and not to do) is to encourage the opening of the oil shops or to help those already existing and make them become places of aggregation just like in the last years in wine shops. In Rome we are fortunate to have three well-stocked oil bars in different parts of the city, but are they enough? In the rest of Italy, how many oil shops are there? Still very few. Umbria and Tuscany already have their places dedicated to oil, they are growing. We must recognize and reward the determination of those who, in a market that is still not very aware, bravely faces the challenge of an activity entirely dedicated to extra virgin olive oil and offers its customers not only excellent and selected products but also all their expertise to spread the knowledge and culture of extra virgin olive oil.

    olio extra vergine di oliva ristorante-min

    Supporting the producers: this is the most important point because without them, the custodians of our lands, we can spread culture but we will not have fully a true development of this excellence. We need to let the general public know where the extra virgin comes from, how much work and passion it takes to create an excellent product, and the tools are: with storytelling, through the internet, events and meetings, we tell the hard and constant commitment of olive growers and making them “cool” is the most challenging and useful activity that we must continue to make the quality of this sector ever higher. The producers work with great commitment to quality and believe that in the good oil there can be a future, they always and continually put themselves at stake and participate in a great change, a breakthrough that is hard to come to fruition. Making quality has a cost, a value that starts from the territory and passes through the history and the knowledge of the peoples, of the families, to then stop in a bottle of rare quality. The producer’s story activates the attention, puts the emotions in circulation, involves, puts ideas into an order. You can not do without it and you will not do without it. We must recognize the right merit and the right profitability to those who work to delight us and satisfy our senses and even in this the network can help; we can also work to promote the increase in online purchases, to allow as many consumers as possible to reach the best producers and buy their products, thus supporting those who hold high the level of Italian extra virgin olive oil.

    olio extra vergine di oliva ristorante-min

    To truly promote quality oil, the conscious choice of the consumer is needed: a final reflection must be made on those who have the most decisive role in conveying the choice of purchases and therefore the consumption of quality extra virgin olive oil. All that we have written up is poured into things that have an even greater value than the oil itself: they are values ​​that can not be ignored and on which we invite you to reflect. The sacrifice, sometimes due to the beautiful conformation of the territory and the management of the olive groves – often secular and millenarian – and therefore also the risk, the protection of the landscape and the maintenance and custody of the same. Italy feeds on a great historical-cultural and landscape value, envied around the world for its uniqueness, its biodiversity: all this must be recognized and above all must be supported by consumers, even economically, because otherwise our country it has no chance of competing with countries like Spain or emerging countries like California. Paradoxically, these values ​​are recognized more by foreigners than by Italians.

    olio extra vergine di oliva ristorante-min

    Does it seem normal?

    To promote quality oil, the conscious choice of the consumer is needed.

    If we can make sure that this choice is oriented towards true quality extra virgin, the whole sector will have a bright future ahead.

    Extra-virgin olive oil will be the food of the century!

    Let’s make it known to the world, all together …

     + info about Gastroliart

     + news and info “signed” Gastroliart

  • Why do we have to wait for Black-Friday?

    Why do we have to wait for Black-Friday?

    Why do we have to wait for Black Friday?

    Here are some simple tips for purchasing on-line wine, food and more on Dispensa dei Tipici.

    Getting discounts does not have to be a prerogative of the Black Friday only, you can also choose to pay the goods at a fair price throughout the year.

    There are so many smart ways to buy at discount prices online or in person, just do a search on search engines and you’ll find thousands of them.

    Here are some simple tips for purchasing on-line wine, food and more on Dispensa dei Tipici.

    1 – Sign up and Log in to get your customized prices

    It’s free, you do not have to pay anything and you are not obliged to buy minimum quantities. You can browse the products with all the calmness and tranquility you need.


    But, on the first purchase you’ll get 15% discount, applied at the cart amount

    2 – Sign up and Log in to activate quantity discounts

    an idea to take advantage of discounts is to do the shopping with family/friend.

    Combine more people orders has three advantages:

    share and pay less the shipping costs
    – pay less for products thanks to quantity discounts
    – the wine and the food, shared, taste better

    3 – Contact our customer service

    If you do not find the product you are looking for, if you have any doubts or any other issues, please contact our Customer Service

    +39 3934628548 |

    4 – Sign up for newsletter

    Yes they seem to be annoying, but you can get first sight of sales and offers and curious and tasty news by Dispensa dei Tipici.


    5 – Remember that Dispensa dei Tipici is more than an online shop

    To propose a range of good quality products at reasonable prices!

    To be one of the meeting places where producers, players and consumers share information, stories and its added value!

    We like to learn and improve!
    Please share with us your feedback and your advice, we read them and we will treasure because we want to make your shopping experience better, more and more!

  • Novello wine, carbonic maceration and beaujolais nouveau

    Novello wine, carbonic maceration and beaujolais nouveau

    Novello wine, carbonic maceration and beaujolais nouveau.

      it is a news by La

    The tradition of novello wine has also spread in Italy, but there are many differences with the French cousin beaujolais nouveau.

    Beaujolais nouveau or primeur wine is the new wine produced in the French region of Beaujolais which is an AOC area, or appellation of origin contrôlée, similar to the Italian DOC, near Lyon.

    Wine, carbonic maceration and beaujolais nouveau - vino novello macerazione carbonica - 1-min

    The grape used to obtain the beaujolais nouveau wine is Gamay. The technique used for the production is carbon maceration.

    What does it mean with this technique? Carbonic maceration consists in placing whole grape bunches in steel containers previously saturated with carbon dioxide. In the absence of oxygen, the grapes modify their metabolism by starting intracellular fermentation (yeast on the skins, in fact, are aerobic organisms and “fed” oxygen penetrate inside the grapes). The skins yield their colored pigments to the pulp, increase the glycerin along with the demolition of malic acid and volatile compounds are formed.

    Maceration may last from 5 to 20 days at about 25 ° / 30 °. The grapes are then pressed and the must started at normal alcoholic fermentation.

    Wine, carbonic maceration and beaujolais nouveau - vino novello macerazione carbonica - 1-min

    Which are the characteristics of the wine obtained with carbonic maceration?

    With this technique a soft wine is obtained, with a low content of tannins, in which smells are dominated by primary aromas and an alcoholic strength of not more than 11%.

    Organoleptically the beaujolais nouveau wine has a brilliant red color with purple reflections, an aromatic bouquet characterized by a fresh fruity,  easily drinkable and a little persistant. It can be served fresh like a white wine. For its characteristics, it must be consumed in a short time, at most within six months of bottling.

    Beaujolais nouveau wine in France can be marketed from 6 November and bottled until 31 December of the vintage year.

    And in Italy? The tradition of novello wine has also spread to Italy, but there are many differences with the French cousin. In Italy, in fact, any vine can be used and carbon maceration can also cover only 40% of the grapes. Also since 2012 the novello wine can be marketed starting from 00.01 on October 30th. The total minimum alcoholic strength by volume shall not be less than 11% vol. and the maximum residue limit for residual reducing sugars must not exceed 10 g / l.

    Generally speaking, Italian novello wine is a marketing tactic rather than a product of our tradition and it have not to be confused with new wine because, as explained, it involve a different production technique.

    Wine, carbonic maceration and beaujolais nouveau - vino novello macerazione carbonica - 1-min

    It matches well with chestnuts for a seasonal mix, but it can also pair with cold cuts and cheeses not too seasoned and aromatic.

     + info about La Fillossera

     + news and info “signed” La Fillossera

  • The must

    The must

    The must.

      it is an article by La

    The must is the juice obtained by pressing the grapes.

    There are hundreds of substances that can be found inside the must, following the main ones:

    Water 70-80%
    Sugars 17-23%
    Organic acids 0.7-1.1%
    Tartaric acid 0.3-0.7%
    Malic acid 0.2-0.6%
    Citric acid and others 0.01-0.03%
    Mineral substances 0.1-0.2%
    Nitrogenous substances 0.05-0.1%
    Pectic, polyphenol, anthocyanins, flavorings and precursors 0.02-0.03%

    Water is the base of the must in which all other substances are dispersed. Sugar is the element that will determine the amount of ethyl alcohol in wine. Of course, much higher the must’s sugar degree will be, much higher the wine’s ethyl alcohol will be. Knowing the percentage of sugar in the must you can calculate the alcoholic strength of wine using the following formula:

    % By weight of sugars in must * 0,6 (conversion factor) =% by volume of ethyl alcohol into wine

    The acidity of the must is mainly related to the fixed acidity that in the wine gives that pleasant feeling of freshness. From the previous list, it is possible to observe the presence of so-called volatile acids (acetic acid) which together with the fixed ones constitute total acidity.

    Polyphenols, in different shapes, along with winemaking techniques, are key to defining the personality of wine in terms of color, structure, tannicity and longevity.

    The odorous substances found mainly in the skin, such as terpenes, aroma precursors and sulfur compounds, impress the aromatic characteristics of the wine. During fermentation, these elements are able to dislodge themselves from sugar molecules by releasing their aromatic kit. The main ones are related to a group of alcohols, terpenes, which are partially free and partially glycosylated. This transformation takes place through the yeast enzymes that break the glycosylated aroma into sugar and the volatile aroma which becomes perceptible by the smell.

    Pectic substances, present in small quantities in small quantities, in the various forms such as pectin, gums, muclavinos and pentosans have the peculiarity of giving the wine the softness. A very useful example to understand the effects of these substances on the final product are wines obtained from grapes favored by the noble mold that exhibit a higher concentration of pectic substances that make the wines particularly soft.

    Minerals and especially vitamins are the “fuel” of the yeasts and allow the latter to develop and carry out fermentative processes. The most important vitamin and B1 that has an accelerating function for alcoholic fermentation and avoids the formation of substances that can bind to sulfur dioxide. Nitrogenous substances inorganic (eg ammonium salts) favor the work of yeasts while those in organic form can cause turbidity in wine. The enzymes present in the must increase the rate of chemical reactions.

    In addition to substances that favor fermentation in the must, many “indigenous” substances can be found which can result in incorrect fermentation and therefore variable quality products. Some of these are polyphenoloxidase and laccase, which are found mainly in grapes clashed by fungal parasites and which cause the oxidation of certain substances with possible oatmeal and loss of aromatic freshness. Proteases also have negative effects because they cause protein breakage, releasing amino acids and peptides that are easily assimilated by yeasts.

    Corrections of the must

    Corrections are mainly done to change the composition of the must that is not always optimal. Their main goal is to vary the sugar concentration and acidity as needed.

    Increasing the sugar level

    To increase the amount of sugar in the must you can use different methods:

    Cutting with sugar-rich musts: almost in disuse.

    Addition of rectified concentrated must: concentrated must is obtained by evaporating a certain amount of vacuum water to avoid sugar caramelization and alteration of organoleptic characteristics. In quality production, only rectified concentrated grape must (MCR) is used, which, as previously mentioned, undergoes a subsequent rectification by obtaining a solution of water and grape sugar with sensory profiles that remain unaltered.

    Sugar Addition: Sugar addition is not allowed in Italy, apart from liqueur wines, while in some areas of northern Europe may be used.

    Adding mild wort or sweet filtered: obtained respectively by adding a high amount of sulfur dioxide to block fermentation and centrifuging and filtration of a partially fermented must with a sugar content of 18-20%.

    Increase in acidity

    The increase of the acidity of the must is made by the addition of tartaric acid. The acidity level is very important because, during the fermentation, the acids are transformed and this can cause a decrease in the vivacity of the color and taste perception of freshness. Acidity also protects the must from bacterial and fungal diseases.

    Decreasing acidity

    This activity is very rare and is carried out by adding salts such as calcium carbonate, neutral tartrate, and potassium bicarbonate. This practice is desirable for musts obtained from grapes produced in cold vintages and therefore have not reached a perfect maturation state.

    Osmosis and reverse osmosis

    These methods, very expensive, are applied to reduce or increase the substances (sugars and acids) without altering the sensory characteristics of the must. The principle on which it is based is the use of a semi-transparent diaphragm which has the property of passing, in the case of osmosis, a portion of less concentrated liquid to the more concentrated liquid and, in the case of reverse osmosis, a portion of liquid With greater concentrations towards the liquid with a lower concentration. In the first case, less concentrated musts are obtained and in the second case concentrates more concentrated.

    Concentrators with cold vacuum evaporator

    This method has been spreading in recent years due to the quality of the final product with a remarkable increase in extractive substances. In addition, the equipment used has a minimum footprint and is very easy to use. The machining mode is to deprive the solid part of the solid part and send it to a small reservoir within which a push depression is created that evaporates pure water at a temperature of 22 to 24 ° C.

    Must treatments

    The must before going to the winemaking stage is subjected to various treatments aimed at promoting fermentation, enhancing its characteristics and avoiding unpleasant effects due to bacteria or molds. Below we will look at the different treatments:


    Is made by clarifying substances such as gelatin or bentonite, casein or silica gel and then with centrifugation or delicate filtration. These activities allow the clarification of the must, also favored by the cooling that allows solid parts to fall on the bottom of the tanks. Refrigeration is achieved with insulated tanks, double wall, inside which a refrigerant is circulated.


    A treatment that is performed to clarify the must without adding of clarifiers. The treatment is done by cooling the must at temperatures from 6 to 10 ° C to reduce the solubility of the solid particles and thus promote precipitation. This treatment can be done using pectolytic enzymes that allow for more precise precipitation without the aid of clarifying substances that may alter the sensory characteristics of the must.

    Addition of sulfur dioxide

    Is the most widely used treatment and consists in the addition of potassium metabisulphide must. The amount of sulfur dioxide that is used depends on the bacterial charge and the effects that you want to obtain; Thanks to the antioxidant properties, it limits the damage caused by oxygen and oxidative enzymes by reducing the diurnal phenomena; Favors clarification; Inhibits the development of wild bacteria and yeasts by favoring elliptical and selected yeasts and promotes the solubilization of polyphenolic substances present in the skin.

    il mosto the must copertina (2)-min

    Types of must

    The must can be subjected to further treatments which give rise to various products used in the wine sector.

    Must of partially fermented grapes

    It is obtained by partial fermentation of grape must and having actual TAV greater than 1% in volume and less than three-fifths of its total TAV (the one which has reached the total transformation of sugars into alcohol).

    Concentrated grape must

    Concentrated grape must is obtained by partial dehydration using physical means excluding direct fire (which would produce sugar candy) so that the value indicated by the refractometer at 20 ° C is not less than 50.9%. The most used means to reduce the percentage of water and to obtain concentration are vacuum evaporation, refrigeration with the subsequent removal of water as ice. The grape must used must have a minimum natural TAV set for the wine-growing area and belong to specific cultivars. Its effective TAV must be equal to or greater than 1% vol.

    Rectified concentrated grape must (ZUI)

    The rectified concentrated grape must (ZUI) is the non-caramelized liquid product obtained by partial dehydration of grape must. Performed by any authorized method, excluding direct fire, so that the value indicated by the refractometer at a temperature of 20 ° C, used according to a method to be established, is not less than 61,7%. Adjusted concentrated must is to be considered a private product of all those natural substances, other than sugar and water, which could make organoleptic changes to the must to which it is added. Its use makes it possible not to apply both must and wine to further correction procedures, guaranteeing wines of a certain quality.

    Mute must

    The mute must is a must to which sulfur dioxide has been added in order to stop its fermentation. It is said to be “silent” because of the absence of the typical gurgling of the fermentative process.

    Cooked must

    Parsley caramelised fruit obtained by the elimination of water from must or mussel by direct heating to normal atmospheric pressure. The resulting sugar concentration is subject to measurements with a Babo or Baumé density meter, which is calibrated at a well-defined reading temperature. If the reading temperature deviates from the calibration value, a correction coefficient must be entered.
    Sweet filtered. Partly partially fermented, whose further fermentation has been obstructed by filtration or centrifugation, and with the aid of other treatments and practices permitted.

    “Mistella” or “sifone”

    Product obtained from a must with total natural alcohol of not less than 12 °, rendered not-fermentable by the addition of wine spirits or spirits in quantities such as to produce the alcoholic strength of alcohol (actual alcoholic strength by volume) between 16% and 20% % Vol.

     + news by La Fillossera

  • Cheese, the diet of the future

    Cheese, the diet of the future

    Cheese, the diet of the future.

     it is an article by

    The cheese does not hurt so it’s recommended by scientists.

    Much has been said about cheese as a food that, if consumed in excess, can make you fat. Then there is the issue of cholesterol, it is undeniable, though it is not always bad cholesterol. But there is the study of the University College Dublin, the result of which is interesting because it says that eating cheese makes us healthier.

    Fantastic, the news is published on Nutrition and Diabetes, and the study explains the reasons for defecting cheese as a health food.

    Research has led scientists to examine the impact of daily food on a complex of over 1,500 people aged between 18 and 90 years.

    The foods used were milk, yogurt and of course cheese, but also other prepared milk-based foods and even butter. Despite the intake of saturated fat in greater quantities, for people who ate cheeses, cholesterol levels remained the same as that of cheese eating less or eating only milk and yogurt.

    il formaggio the cheese copertina-min

    It has also been found that with the assumption of a lot of cheese there was a reduced percentage of body fat, a lower waist and lower blood pressure.

    In short, eating cheese could really be the diet of the future?

    il formaggio the cheese copertina-min

    We believe so.

     info about

  • Fake news food

    Fake news food

    Fake news food.

     it is an article from Coldiretti Giovani Impresa –

    With fake news food, for 3 Italians on 4 scary at table.

    Three Italians of four (equal to 66%) are concerned about the impact of what they eat on own health, also due to the fake news food on the characteristics of foods that are multiplying in the net and pushing on senseless and even dangerous behaviors.

    This is what emerges from the Coldiretti / ixe survey, which was presented at the Coldstream Campaign campaign organized by Coldiretti and the dall’Osservatorio sulla criminalità nell’agricoltura e sul sistema agroalimentare during the training course, organized in collaboration with the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura.

    notizie bufala sul cibo fake news food news

    The web is becoming a place in which easily communicate fake news about food with a worrying avalanche effect in a situation where, according to the Coldiretti / Ixe ‘survey, 53% of Italians used it at least occasionally during the year to collect Information on the quality of food.

    About 25% of Italians participate in community / blog / internet chat focused on food, which affects purchasing choices in a not always correct and truthful way. “Incorrect food information has a greater weight than in other areas because it directly affects health. That is why we must pay particular attention to and be grateful to those who are committed to revealing deception, “said Coldiretti President Roberto Moncalvo. “The Internet, however, should not be criminalized because it can play an important role in a system where,” said Moncalvo, “food information unfortunately is likely to be influenced primarily by large multinationals through the availability of invested advertising resources.

    For us fake news food is also the advertising of oranges that contain just 12% of juice or that of olive oil of great brands that imagine Tuscan landscapes while it contains the one imported from Tunisia or still the ham that is made with pork Germans without any labeling information for consumers”.

    notizie bufala sul cibo fake news food-min

  • Wine and Food pairing – part 2

    Wine and Food pairing – part 2

    Wine and Food pairing – part 2

    Article taken from by Mihaela Cojocaru

    Many people are trying to do the perfect match and lose side of the simple and joyble mean of wine and food pairing.

    read also Food and Wine pairing – part 1

    By eating food an drinking wine your mouth will become accoustomized to taste a certain thing.

    1- Let’s see a specific example: a dessert. The general rule is that the wine should be sweeter than the dessert so when you taste the wine you won’t be able to taste the sugar in the wine. The sugar is beeing suppressed and draggs down the fruit, the wine seems to lose body and also makes the wine taste thinner and acidic, and if it is a red wine more tannic and astringent and maybe more warmer. In short the wine loses richness and becomes “harder”. So if you have a very sweet pudding you quickly become use to it and expect the rich sweetness. If you then drink the wine and is not so sweet it will make the wine taste incredibly dry and even a dessert wine will taste less sweet when the food is tasted with it. So, for a successful combination make sure you drink a wine that is sweeter than the dessert.

    2- The acidity in your food, like the tomato juice or some vinegar in your salad perhaps, make the acidity in the wine appear to go down, softens the tannins and brings up the fruit and sweetness in the wine and a bit the body. In addition the acidity helps to cut through oilly dishes providing a refreshing sword cutting the fat. A great combination is Sauvignon Blanc or Champagne with fish and chips; both high acidic wines the food quite fatty.

    3- By having something “salty” you loose the perception of the tannins and acidity in the wine and of the heat from the alcohol. The wine become richer, sweeter and fruitier.
    Some people like tannins, but the most of the people want food to mask rather than highlight them. Salty food often helps wine taste less tannic and astringent. If you have a wine that is to tannic for your taste just have some salty peanuts or something on those sides – the salt will do wonders to the tannins .

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  • Eat that are good for you.. the fava beans

    Eat that are good for you.. the fava beans

    Eat that are good for you.. the fava beans.

    Article taken from by Antonella Berlen

    Eat, that’s good for you, patiently solicited the grandmother, while the granddaughter was in front of a soup with pumpkin and beans with their skins.

    I was wandering with obstinate slowness my spoon for the dark and dense bottom of the pot, in the undertaking to remove all the pieces of pumpkin from unwelcome contact with the fava beans, and suspicions of pale sparkling garlic pieces, drawned under many rounds of extra virgin olive oil.

    I just could not swallow that soup. And it was not even clear to me how it could get me all the good, that my grandmother believed, I thought she lied shamelessly to tempt me to eat.

    When I think about that moment, I imagine myself in a painting with farmers around a table lighted by a low light, with my eyes looking to the flypaper hunging from the lamp, trying to count how many flies, flying flying approaching the light, were remaining imprisoned.

    While watching them, gingerly pushing the plate towards the center of the table in the hope that some fortunate flyer, in an attempt to break away by the flypaper, was loosing a wing falling inside the plate, saving me from that soup.

    But the flypaper was lethal, and mortifying my expectations, that event never occurred.

    And even in the case it might have happened, thinking back, I’m not certain that my grandma would have passed to the dog or to the chickens that unwelcome meal.

    The grandmother would have pulled away the poor fly and the dish would have remained on the table. Although in that case I might have motivated the refusal asking to replace with bread and cheese…

    But how was I confess that I did not fill the spoon because I was afraid by the fava beans? And that it was because of those their thin lips curved, that made the fava beans alive and grinning at may eyes. I did not bring it to my mouth!

    With my eyes fixed on the plate, I used just to say: “I do not like!”.

    And my grandmother, to respond: “But if you have not yet tasted!”.

    And I, to close that tight exchange of words: “I just know it!”.

    At that point, my grandmother, with a deep sigh, was convinced to eliminate the fava beans, which were the ones that made me better than everything, and I used to scrape up and ate all the pieces of pumpkin, taking them from the cooking liquid in the pot.

    They tasted of clay pot flavor, extra virgin olive oil and garlic. And fava bean..

    It was not bad, but, although I began secretly to familiarize with that flavor, I continued to eat slowly demonstrating a sad expression, to show despite the removal of the legume all the effort that cost me to please my grandmother.

    So, slowly, thanks to the taste mediated by those pieces of pumpkin, I have learned to accept the complete pot and appreciate that solid and precious soup with fava beans.

    And I realized, after some time, that the grandmother was not lying urging me to eat that plate of beans and pumpkin, and that her confident and affectionate “eat that is good for you”, no matter what food she was referring (garlic, pumpkin or beans with peel were all products of her farming work) was convinced, sincere and conscious.

    My grandmother lovingly cared for her fields while my grandfather was in America, and she particularly kept me to eat the fava beans because, as a good farmer she was, she knew and liked by experience both the taste and the beneficial properties.

    They were easy to be cultivated and had beneficial effects on the soil ground. They could be enjoyed fresh in the spring, after being pulled out of the skin, alone or accompanied by bread and sheep’s cheese, or they could be enjoyed dry in the winter, with peel or without, in soups and tasty soups, fried or cooked in the ashes.

    My grandmother did not definitely know terms such as nitrogen, minerals, folic acid, potassium, antioxidants, herbal and fiber plant sterols, nor the names of all minerals contained in those beans, and even how long existed on this earth and where they came from . It was enough to know that there were, and they were very good to cook and useful to “move my bowels” regularly, to maintain a low body pressure and, as they were rich in iron to treat anemia. What more could do you want from a fava bean?

    Every good farmer, in the past, had within him a natural sailed pharmacist, expert not what they contained certain foods or herbs, but for what they were useful to treat or prevent.

    My grandma was a good farmer.

    And hers “eat, which is good for you” was the right thing to say.

    But who knows what would have thought, if I’d revealed that those beans would come a long way, and 50 years later would come up, but much higher than any other legume contemplated in fables.

    Because a courageous and determined Princess would travel between stars, planets and blacks holes always taking with her beans, lentils, fava beans and black chickpeas, confirming her healthy eating habits and the fact that, in fables, between princesses and vegetables has always been there a certain feeling.

    My grandmother would probably listen to me with her holy patience and despite the scientific side of this revelation, she probably had taken the advantage of my fantasy, and would say: Have you seen?

    She bring with her because they make her feel good!

    So, stop making all these moaning, and eat!

    My grandmother used to put the fava beans in water in the evening.

    The next morning she passed, in a clay pot called “u ‘pignatidd” setting it into a corner of the chimney, with bay leaves, pepper grains and water.

    Then she used to cut an high slice from the central part of a large onion, dropping them on the mouth of the pot.

    I never wondered if she use to do that to replace a lid or to take advantage and use the steam even to cook the onion, then she ate apart seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and salt.

    Every time she went to check the cooking status, she added if necessary, more hot water that was holded in a small saucepan. If necesary she used to regulate salty.

    Meanwhile she cooked pumpkin, cutted into large pieces, and kept aside in a plate covered by another plate, under a table cloth.

    When fava beans was right, she pulled out of the water and added to the pumpkin, adding salt if necessary and small pieces of garlic, and a generous amount of extra virgin olive oil.

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  • Food and wine pairing – part 1

    Food and wine pairing – part 1

    Food and wine pairing – part 1

    Article taken from by Mihaela Cojocaru

    Many people are trying to do the perfect match and lose side of the simple and joyble mean of food and wine pairing.

    I belive that 10% of the wine and food matches are fantastic, 10% don’t work at all and 80% it’s all ok. So don’t get too stress about it!

    The key is if you like the food and you like the wines there is a small risk that it will become a really bad combination, but if you don’t like the wine or the food it is a significant risk even if the combination works brilliantly you won’t like it!

    There are other guidelines to wine and food matching that you should consider: it is a personal experience and it is impossible to find a combination everybody will like. But you can work with some natural characteristics and understandings so that almost all the people can enjoy the combination.

    With food and wine matching is one part science, two parts magic 🙂

    Before we look into specific directions with food and wine, I would like to explain how different parts of the wine work together. We hear people talking about balance, but I fund that a lot of people don’t understand the balance of wine and to really knows how food changes the balance of the wine you need to understand how wine works on it’s own.

    If you add some sugar to an acidic wine the sugar goes up and the acidity goes down. All the nice things in wine: sugar, fruit and body are one side of the balance and all the nasty stuff: tannins, acidity and the heat of the alcohol are on the other.

    If I add sugar to the wine, the sugar in the wine goes up, but also it enhances the fruit and the body in the wine. The perception of the acidity goes down, even though the actual level doesn’t change, and so does the tannin and the heating feeling.

    If I add a little bit of lemon juice to my wine the oppsite thing happens. The acidity appears to go up dragging up the tannins annd increasing the sensation of the alcohol burning. The extra acidity masks the sugar in the wines and pushes down the fruitiness making the wine taste thinner with less body. That’s why the wine taste lighter and harder.

    By eating food you do a similar thing. Your mouth will become accoustomized to taste a certain thing.

    read also Wine and Food pairing – part 2

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