2020-03-13: in Italy 14,955 people are positive for Corona Virus


2020-03-13: in Italy 14,955 people are positive for Corona Virus.

The future is in our hands, in our heads, in our behaviors.

!!!! OFFICIAL UPDATE: in Italy at 18:00 on 2020-03-13 14,955 people are positive for Coronavirus.

!!!! SOURCE AND MORE INFO: www.protezionecivile.gov.it

!!! MAP, DATA AND CHARTS AREA BY AREA: www.piersoft.it/covid19

We never thought we would say: we must try to avoid relating to other people as much as possible.

We do not want to stir up alarmism, but we simply have to tell each other the truth about the situation.

The fewer people we meet, even in the family, the better.

Do not relating is a sacrifice that we must have to have. We do a few weeks sacrifice to minimize inconvenience in the future.

The uncontrollable pitfall is positive people who show no symptoms. Any person without symptoms but positive without his knowledge could infect other people.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to keep the situation under control if we do not respect this simple indication:



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